I put this one off long enough, but I saw a listing for it coming to DVD in a few weeks and figured "why not?". Basically, this movie is just like the others. The plot is simply "some people cheat death, but death still finds them". If you've seen one of these movies, you've seen them all. It's a Freddy movie without Freddy. It's got more charm to it than a typical gore porn movie like SAW, but it's neck and neck in substance. People watch these movies for the crazy death scenes. And by "crazy" I mean "cheesy fun". Is the jerky character going to get his comeuppance? Fa sho. Is the spacey girl that's in denial going to face an ironic death? Fa sho. Is the main character going to fail in their attempt to stop shit? Fa sho. Will you really care about this movie 24 hours after seeing it? Maybe if you're 13 years old or 13 year old minded. It's harmless fun, but your time could be spent better elsewhere with about a million other movies.