I made a promise to myself when this was released that I would see it, but not pay. That arrangement was complete this past weekend with a random DVD pick up by a friend. I knew it would entertain and be fun, but how worth while is really the question at hand. It was entertaining and fun. It wasn't a great movie in the least bit, but if you find yourself with it in front of you then you have no reason not to give it a watch. I have a feeling they wanted Jack Black to be in this movie, but instead got one of his stunt doubles to take the gig. The guy wasn't bad in the least bit, but it just seemed a bit forced that he was the lead. The main reason I wanted to see this movie was because Christopher Walken would be in it. He didn't disappoint, but it was the same silly Walken as we've seen in the past. The plot was simple and seemed to spoof a lot of different things, but at the same time taking itself serious. George Lopez pretty much carried the main portion of the story and did a fine job. All in all, it's worth a viewing once it hits cable. Until then, read a book.