Last week Willie Nelson was arrested for being Willie Nelson. He was traveling and arrested at the border in Sierra Bianca, Texas. The reason? Weed. Yes, Willie Nelson was arrested for possession of marijuana… to those who subscribe to modern slang as a legitimate way of communicating… the dude was caught “ridin’ dirty.”
I thought we were all in this together that marijuana isn’t a problem anymore. It’s pretty much legalized now and mostly only merits a misdemeanor in larger sums. Yeah, the feds are going to take down the big time dealers and all that, but casual use? No problemo. And most of all, this is Willie Nelson. If you THINK about Willie Nelson you get a contact high. The words “Willie Nelson” used together in most languages translates to “high old f*ck”.
Like most potheads, he kept his weed in random things. He had a few different containers of it, which I assume was different types, and it all managed to weigh six ounces. That’s a quarter pound… plus two ounces. That’s a lot of joints and even more bong rips. The main issue is that he got busted in Texas. They wanted to get him on a FELONY, which would mean at least 180 days in county or a maximum of 2 years… and a $10,000 fine. A few days later we find out that once it was removed from the boxes and containers that it was less than four ounces. This dropped the charge to a misdemeanor with a $4,000 fine.
I have no frame of reference, but I’m thinking some cops wanted to be hot shit and get attention for being redundant in their job. Once the negative press got out, it was “looked into”. They then realize their inflated weighing practice was wrong. You don’t weigh the boxes, the containers, or baggies. You just don’t. You can bust random a shmoe, but when you bust a Tommy Chong, a Willie Nelson, or even a Snoop Dogg THEN its personal. These are people who are the iconic figures of pothead-dom. When they’re knocked down a peg it hurts the hopes and dreams of every little stoner in the country. It’s just wrong. Legalize it, tax it, and make more of it. Amen. Praise Willie.