All You Need Is Prenups

I was never a Beatles fan. It’s just never been music that I connected with. I always felt it was a bit too poppy for my liking and by the time I did get around to giving them a full on chance it was so overhyped that it just felt really sterile. I’m weird like that. I’m not saying I don’t respect them for what they’ve done for music, but I really don’t get the hype.

That said, I think Paul McCartney is a cool dude. He has a good sense of humor, seems way more down to earth than he should be, and he’s just a charming cat. He has to be pretty smart to have accomplished so much. Right? Then why in the blue hell did he NOT SIGN A PRE-NUP with his newest love interest and fiancé Nancy Shevell? His last love took him for a HUGE chunk of change. We’re talking AT LEAST $49 million dollars. He’s still sitting more than okay with over a half billion bucks sitting in some guarded bank somewhere. Still, though… is it worth it? Paul McCartney is an older gentlemen… why not play the field? Why not do a tour and bag some groupies? Instead he’s marrying a 51 year old socialite business woman named Nancy Shevell. They’ve been together for about four years. Heather Mills was with him for around six years or so, so by that math Nancy had made like $30-$35 million. But that’s where this gets interesting.

Nancy Shevell doesn’t NEED his money. She’s the vice president and heir to the New England Motor Freight company. While it might not be “All You Need is Love” money, her family is worth well over a quarter billion dollars. A few bad investments and some horribly expensive hobbies from now Paul could actually be the one getting a settlement from her. This is saying their relationship won’t work out though. You never want to think like that and I’m sure in Paul’s mind and heart he’s set for the rest of his days. I hope that’s true because if he thought Michael Jackson was brutal with song rights then just imagine how quickly someone like Will Smith or Sean Combs would jump at a chance to pillage his legacy. I’m happy he’s happy, but I worry. Those Beatles kids have the worst luck…

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