I officially accept the fact that I’m old. I’m twenty seven, going on twenty eight. My generation is old now. A lot of the people I went to high school with have kids and heavy duty nine to five type of lives. I don’t feel “old”, but I’m definitely not part of what is considered the “youth” anymore. I’m at the weird bridge in my life where I’m leaving my twenties and growing closer to death. I have a lot of “stills” so to speak. I still don’t like authority. I still like loud music, I still like The Simpsons, and so on and so on. I would have probably coasted by on sarcasm for the next year or two, but I just had to go and watch the MTV Movie Awards. The show was okay. Nothing too awesome happened and nothing horrible bad. It was another forgetful show full of forgetful things. I like Jason Sudeikis a lot and I love seeing him get the spotlight, but he really didn’t do anything that people are going to care about come five seconds from now. The Foo Fighter performance was a highlight for me and it’s always cool to see Lupe Fiasco do this thing. I thought the McBride, Aziz, Swardson segment with Bieber was entertaining. I did like “Kick-Ass”, “Easy A”, and “Inception” so it was cool they all got awards. Yeah, “Black Swan”, “The Fighter”, “The Town”, “The Kids Are Alright”, and “Toy Story 3” were all snubbed but I have a feeling they can live without golden popcorn. I’m not even that pissed about Twilight winning most of the awards because that’s what little pregnant girls like. At least that’s what I got out of it. MTV really pushed the young and preggo demographic HARD. It’s like they KNOW they’re grooming the next generation of Springer guests and they want to do Uncle Jerry proud. It was lack luster. I would have just brushed if off and moved on, but it stuck with me. I AM old. I see no appeal in Twilight, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Kings of Leon, Harry Potter, Jersey Shore, pregnant teens, or anything that requires shorts. I need a 401K stat!