That Extra Millimeter

I hate it when people get all preachy about things on the internet. It always makes me roll my eyes and say “What do YOU know?” It’s always some inner-demon or problem the person is having being channeling into some off the wall ramble. It’s self serving and a bit egocentric. That being said… People are weird. There are three types of people when it comes to an “outside of the box” motivation and ambition. Everyone wants a better job, better house, and more money. That’s just the American way. I’m talking about those who have goals and aspirations that may be artistic or not within the normal realm of things. Basically BEYOND the nine to five, two point five kids, white picket fence mentality. There are those who have none. They’re cool with the simple life. Nothing wrong with that.

Then there are those who are ambitious. It’s those self made millionaires, the weird artsy types, and the people who want to leave a mark or create their own legacy. There’s just something inside those types that drives them. They’ll put their core being into getting to that dream. It’s not about the money or success, but rather the unexplainable urge to do it. I WANT to believe I’m one of those people. I’m not going to go on a tangent about my personal accomplishments because in reality it’s all subjective. If something is a milestone or achievement to me, it might not be to someone elses. The point is that I don’t just thrive; I like to believe that I honestly put a 100% into it. It’s a passion. You don’t just look into the stars with hopes and dreams. You look at each day as another chance to go one millimeter more forward.

I find myself bothered by the people who’ll dream and talk the talk, but can’t find it in themselves to thrive. The artistic types who are “bad with business”, the people always “on the grind” who never have a final product, the “what if-fers”, the “someday I’ll’s”, and the “I could if I wanted to’s”. It’s a waste of dreams. I’ve seen this in music pretty often. You hear a local or regional band and you’ll swear up and down that they’re going to blow up. Time starts to fade and that band goes nowhere. They never put in the real effort. They’re content with being “local heroes” as opposed to doing something more grand or ambitious. I could, but I won’t, name two dozen bands out of Chicago from the past seven or so years that had tons of potential. I’m SURE it’s like this with other entertainment worlds as well. I know for a fact it’s the same in independent wrestling. Lots of people who show potential never take it to that next step. They don’t want to push themselves that extra millimeter every day. It’s two things. The performer becomes content and the back off from facing off with challenges. Maybe they’re priorities shift or maybe they’re just afraid to fail. A real artist isn’t afraid to fail in public because they know they’re sharing their evolution with the world. If something sucks you take it on the chin and keep moving forward. If you’re really what you claim you are you’re going to keep doing it anyway.

It’s a lot easier to brag about things you’re going to do than to present what you actually have done. I know nothing is going to change, but I think people need to figure out what kind of person they are before wasting people’s time. Nothing specifically brought on this rant. I’m nearing another birthday so it could just be a “coming of age reality check” so to speak or it could just be I’m worn out. The problem is there are just so many dreams to go around. If you’re going to claim them do something with them.

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