I get all warm inside knowing that “kayfabe” in professional wrestling is still alive and well in 2012. The summarized definition of “kayfabe” is “keeping the story going, staying in character at all times, and making the fans believe the story being presented.”
In 2012 everyone with a keyboard is an “expert”. Everyone knows what happens in wrestling before it airs in most cases. Back in the day, “dirt sheets”, aka shitty “insider” newsletters, would be where everyone got their information and rumors. Now they can log on, Google search and know more about the performer than ever. This has taken away a large amount of the mystique and “inside business” that a lot of us grew up loving. No one could ever be “worked” now in 2012… right? Ha!
In the past few years they’ve snuck in a few “worked shoots” to make the crowd’s mind blow. The thing is that the term “worked shoot” is an oxymoron. If it’s a work… it’s a work! The performer might sprinkle in “inside business” or “controversial” topics, but it’s still a work. CM Punk’s “amazing” “work shoot” from the summer of 2011 was huge, but you notice he didn’t bring up TNA or TNA performers. It proves that no matter what, there are still some restraints. Now if someone like Kevin Nash, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, McMahon, Punk, or anyone says anything remotely “insider” they are putting out a “worked shoot”. If you believe this, call yourself a “smark” and STILL believe that things are “work shoot” then you’re not as wise as you’d hope. Regardless, it’s awesome and keep watching.
The most recent “worked shoot” has been the whole build up to Cena and Rock at Wrestlemania. They’ve gone back and forth for awhile, but in recent months it got all amped up and “personal”. The “notes” on The Rock’s wrist, the edgier language, Cena’s reactions to Rock’s lines, the “locker room hating on Rock”, the social media wars, and all the little things. Folks, this whole Rock/Cena feud is a “work”. Sorry to break “kayfabe”, but if you don’t think these two professionals aren’t working on this together then you’re living in a world of wishful thinking. It’s just bad ass that everyone is selling this whole “they REALLY don’t like each other” storyline. People really believe this.
That’s what makes me feel warm inside. It’s amazing to know that after all the insider leaks, the “dirt sheets”, the years put in, spoilers, and hundreds of wrestling “experts” out there kayfabe is STILL alive in 2012. I wish more people would be able to be “worked” by wrestling. It means the performers and the company is doing its job to put out compelling television. We can STILL dispend belief when the show is worth investing in. We can STILL have fun with wrestling when it’s worth investing in.
Also, you didn’t hear it from me but I heard that John Cena is REALLY pissed because he wanted to be the lead in “Tooth Fairy 2”, but he lost it to “Larry the Cable Guy”. True story!
(Some stuff wasn’t true.)