I wanted to be proven wrong. I wanted to tune into this show and have my mind blown and everything I thought was true would end up being a misdirected lie to present something so awesome that the past few months of utter shit would be worth it.
Welp… that didn’t happen.
This show was not just bad, but it was one of the worst pay per views I’ve seen in a LONG time. There were matches here that would have been better off on the syndicated Main Event program. The structure sucked and the build up was seriously retarded. Yeah, I know that’s a mean and hateful word but I’m describing a whole process and not an individual.
For some reason everyone is being “buried” right now. The midcard is a cluttered mess with no one really getting a chance to shine or rise from the ranks. Guys like Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, and others are just kind of kept there as B-listers while we get the same four or five guys in the same four or five matches.
Why in the hell was there two handicap matches on this show? What purpose did it serve? CM Punk won his and now The Shield has their baby steps towards their break up. I’d much rather them just bring in a replacement for Reigns when he is surely pushed too soon and too far. The Wyatt’s defeated Daniel Bryan too. It was a fine match, but a handicap match like that is not something ANYONE wants featured on a PPV.
The sad part is that these were the two best matches. The rest was pretty bad. The Tag Title match was great until the end. Big Show helping Goldust out and then helping him up during the match was just stupid and broke all believably for the match. Then Rey was practically treated like a sad sleepy child by Big Show and Goldust at the end. It was ridiculous. The match was solid until then.
A lot of filler too. It’s filler if it’s not announced or awesome. That’s just the way it is. They could have EASILY announced Kofi vs. The Miz a week or two ago and had a promo or two to build it up. Why couldn’t the R-Truth vs. Brodus match have been the free kick off match? More importantly why wasn’t it announced on RAW last week? It’s a logical match, but logic without result is not going to get my attention.
The main event was bad. Cena and Orton made TLC lame. It’s some of the coolest ingredients in gimmick match history together in a sure fire spot fest. Instead we saw Randy Orton take a few sloppy table bumps and John Cena do things REALLY slowly. It was just sloppy and bad. I wanted to watch it, enjoy it, and get something positive out of it. I didn’t. I appreciate the handcuffs being used and the creativity behind the approach, but there was nothing really memorable about this match except the sight of Orton flexing with the belts as Cena gives his “awe shucks, I’m still superman” shitty smirk on the outside.
I miss Edge.