MiGo vs. Glee

They say there is a fine line between love and hate. If that is true then I must tip toe this line with delicacy because there is NO WAY that I love the TV show Glee. It’s not so much that the show exists or the people on it. I like Jane Lynch a lot for her past comedic roles. My issue is the constant hammering that Fox does. You watch any program on Fox at any time of the day and you’re going to have at least one Glee related commercial shoved down your throat. It’s not just commercials for their “High School Musical” meets “any snarky VH1 show ever made.” It’s also commercials for random causes and things of that nature. Fine, you’re capitalizing on the show’s popularity to get a point across about something but at this point, the point of suffocation, I’m going to rally against anything the show stands for. It’s not even about the issues, it’s officially about spite. Glee, it’s officially you versus me. Thank Fox’s promo machine for that.

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