If you want to see a young adult romantic comedy that follow suits with such classics as Reality Bites or All The Love In The World, this movie is a little more. If you want to see a movie that houses clever dialogue from one Michael Cera, well, this movie is STILL a little more. With the admirable dosage of teen sensibility, innovative action, and witty cinematography, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is a pleasant surprise that appeals not only to the “we’re dating and want to watch a cute movie” crowd, or the ComiCon elite, but also the entire family (sans your blind and deaf grandparent).
Obviously the plot has to be known by now. Scott Pilgrim meets the literal “Girl of his dreams” but first must battle her “7 Evil Exes” in order to continue getting to second and a half base with her. Michael Cera does a tad bit better than expected in this role. Though he’s his normal, awkward and nervous Cera-self, he adds a pinch of flexibility to the character. Not much, but just enough for you to want to see him start to branch out (if you’re a fan). It’s really the REST of the cast that adds the “oomph” to the picture.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays Ramona, the literal “Girl of Scott’s Dreams”. Certified hottie, be it her Maxim photo shoot, or her dumbed down hipster sexuality, Ms. Winstead does a suitable job enticing the audience with her “too cool for school” demeanor. Ellen wong, who plays Knives Chau, however steals the movie for me. Not to give it away, she delivers some really good scene moments, and though I’m generally not a fan of Asian girls, there was something about her 17 year old Catholic school girl aura that made me wish I was atleast 21 yrs old again, so I might lead her astray down a much darker experience than Scott Pilgrim could in this PG-13 flick.
Another scene stealer was Macauly Culkin’s younger brother Kieran Culkin, playing Wallace, Pilgrim’s gay roommate. Lots of funny moments from this character, and frankly I was reminded of the feeling I felt when I saw Macauly Culkin in Saved, or when Fred Savage popped up in Rules Of Attraction.
Jason Scwartzman as Gideon and Anna Kendrick as Scott’s sister Stacy (As a huge fan of the “what” face, please be advised that my vote Kendrick for the best female “what” face I’ve ever seen during Scott’s encounter with the 1st ex) are also notable appearances.
This movie isn’t just dialogue neither. The visuals are pretty bad ass. With all the popularity of comics morphing to motion pictures, this is particularly one of the few of those films that actually translated the notion that it WAS a comic. Add on to that the pretty decent score that I found myself contemplating downloading (illegally of course). Pilgrim’s band in the movie, Sex Bob Omb, aren’t too shabby, and the song performed by HIS ex (Brie Larson as Envy Adams of the band Clash At The Demonhead) would actually make a good single. All in all, Scott Pilgrim is a must see. You, your terribly good movie handicapped girlfriend, your douche bag, Expendable loving boyfriend, you’re A.D.D. inflicted children, and even your deaf and blind grandmother will find something here that is sure to entertain them.