This past week I was talked into watching The Piano. I enjoy good movies and from all accounts I’ve ever heard, read, or seen this is supposed to be a good movie. I watched it, absorbed it, and didn’t think much at start. I enjoyed the performances, the story was good, and the cinematography was top notch beauty. Still, I don’t think my first impression properly registered. This is a movie that lingers. For the past few days since watching this movie I find myself thinking about it more and more. I’ve come to the conclusion that this movie is great. There are not many other words one could use to describe such a piece of art. The movie’s story feels simple in theory, but has as much depth as any other movie I’ve seen. It’s about a mute pianist mother who is married off to a new man in a far off world. In this case the far off world is the lovely setting of New Zealand. The woman brings herself, her belongings, her loud mouth interpreter child, and her piano. The dude she marries doesn’t want to deal with the big piano so he leaves it on the beach. She protests and wants it, but he won’t budge. One of his workers takes notice in the woman and in order to spend time with her he buys the piano from her new husband. With the purchase of the piano he’s given lessons, but instead just sits around watches her play or pretty much molests her. This goes on for awhile until shit hits the fan. I’m not going to spoil it and say what “shit” and what “fan”, but it gets messy… and a little bloody. I was nervous about one thing going into this. I’m a fan of comedy and by being so I’ve been exposed to tons of Holly Hunter impressions. My favorite is the one from the one season and done Aaron Sorkin drama “Studio 60”. Anyway, back on topic. The impressions didn’t do much damage to the experience because Hunter plays a mute. She’s great in the role. She has just the right amount of creepy, sexy, and interest to carry this movie. Of all the movies I’ve seen her in; it’s by far my favorite of her works. She’s just so emotive without being verbal that she deserved a shelf full of awards. The little Anna Paquin is great in this movie as well. She’s a little loud mouth liar girl that ends up ruining her mother’s life. There’s no nice way of putting that. Her character is an evil and messed up little girl. I’m more accustomed to her from “True Blood” so it was a bit uncomfortable at start, but she nailed it. Paquin puts on one of the best child performances of all time here. Harvey Keitel’s character is creepy, but serves the purpose well. Sam Neill is awesome as well. I remember him from the Jurassic Park movies, but outside of that it’s pretty rough to come up with that many more of his projects. It’s a shame too because he’s a fun actor to watch. The visuals are breath-taking, the score is perfect, the performances are A-Game material, and the enjoyment of this movie is at this hyperbolic sounding level. There are some classics you just miss the boat on. This was one of those for me. If you haven’t seen this movie then you need to educate yourself on it as soon as possible. A