I wasn’t excited about this one, but I was open to it. I am a big fan of Anne Hathaway’s acting and role choices. In this one, she picked a good juicy role. Her character is a young woman with Parkinsons. She is met by a slacker turned ambition pharmaceutical drug sales man. They meet, he sees her boob, he wins her over, they fight back and forth, and all the typical romantic comedy nonsense. She tries pushing him away because she doesn’t want him to go through her illness and he resents the fact she won’t accept he doesn’t care about it. Hathaway’s character seems more bipolar than anything until the end when she starts selling the Parkinsons more. Big dramatic love fest ensues. That’s the jist of it. There are some supporting roles that are of note. Judy Greer, Hank Azaria, Oliver Platt, and George Segal all show up. Josh Gad, who is pretty much the yuppie republican Jonah Hill now… officially, is good for some laughs. I’m appreciating him more and more, if only he’d get away from the yuppie republican thing at least once. I know he has at least once in The Rocker, but this was pretty much a more fun version of the same character he played on his episode of Party Down. This was a cool movie, it just didn’t mold together enough for me. It felt loose and disconjoined. There was some good acting, good scenes, and good direction… but it just didn’t feel right. It would be like having the best and freshest ingredients and then making into a tasteless dish. Was it the script? The editing? I don’t know for sure. This movie could have been a great romantic dramady, but I can’t go that far. I’d say watch it. Maybe it’s all just in my head and the movie flowed. The performances are pretty good and there are some great little scenes. Sometimes that’s enough. B-