When Kevin Smith speaks, I try to put an effort in to listen. I’ve seen his “Evening With” DVDs and have attended a live “Evening with” in Indianapolis a few years back. I’ve always found them to be hilarious and informative. Being a fan of his movies it’s easy to get caught up in the back story of things. This shin-dig wasn’t labeled “An Evening With”, but was given a subtitle as if it’s a stand up special. In many ways it is. The whole two hours of this special, he rambled on in response to one question. It was hilarious, insightful, and the same jokes we’re all used to by now. In this round of rambles he talks about after smoking a joint with Seth Rogan that he became a full blown stoner. He stretches this story out in vivid detail for awhile. We hear what it was like working with Bruce Willis in what kind of reveals Smith as being weak willed. He is clearly still insecure about what he wanted and seemed to have let Bruce Willis walk all over him. I know it was all told in jest, but it rubbed me the wrong way. Being a fan of Kev, I hold his worth on par, if not higher, with me as Brucey Bruce. We find out he was depressed after Zack and Miri Make a Porno flopped. I feel for the guy. I enjoyed the hell out of that movie and think it was a fine accomplishment. You almost have to feel for him for not getting as much out of it as some of his fans. It seems as if he’s saying “it wasn’t loved by critics and didn’t make Judd Apatow money… it sucks!” I appreciate self loathing comedy as much as the next guy, but his greed is a bit too meek. He’s supposed to be cooler than that. You have to really respect that though. How many directors or people from “the industry” put themselves out there. Kevin Smith is pretty much an open book with his life and what’s on his mind. Sometimes it’s hilarious, others it’s sad. Regardless, it’s Kevin Smith. Exactly what you pay for. I enjoyed his Evening With stuff more than this, but if this became a semi-regular thing I’m all for it. I could listen to the guy talk about his anal fissure…. and I have… for well over an hour. B