I remember when I first heard about this movie. It seemed interesting. I’m convinced that Jim Carrey is one of the best actors living today and he’s easily in my own Top 5 of all time. I enjoy his work and his movie choices are often great. This movie was made forever ago and did well in festivals last year. It just had a lot of trouble getting picked up for distribution. Production companies shied away from it and it was deemed because it was so “graphic”. It hung out for awhile out there before being reedited and finally picked up. They barely put it out, but it managed to get out. The story follows a normal guy, Jim Carrey, who gets bored with life and tired of lying to himself and the world. He comes out as gay and eventually finds himself in prison for fraud. He goes to jail and meets a guy, Ewan McGregor, and they fall in love. Carrey vows they’ll always be together so he cons and deals his way to always coming out ahead. Shit happens and Carrey’s character has to go through hell to reach his lover. That’s about it. The performances are solid as hell. Jim Carrey is fun and Ewan McGregor does very well, it’s just this movie sucks. I’m heterosexual, but the sex scenes didn’t bother me too much. I’ve seen it on movies and on TV before. It was just handled a tad bit more vulgar than normal. I don’t think the problem with the movie is the “graphic” content or “controversy”. It’s a romantic comedy about two guys… so what? Brokeback Mountain won Oscars. The movie just lacks substance. It’s easy to feel for the two lovers, but the story is bland and repetitive. The movie just doesn’t click and feels empty at the end. The concept is interesting and the story itself is unique, but there is just something missing from this movie. Sometimes heart isn’t enough. I guess watch this if you’re a big Jim Carrey fan, but other than that there’s not much to gain from this movie. C