I’m not a cartoon guy. There are exceptions like The Simpsons and South Park, but in general cartoons haven’t been an entertainment choice for me since probably grade school. I missed out on some big “classic” Disney movies and I don’t care about Pixar. If I’m going to watch a cartoon, I’d prefer it to look drawn than generated but that’s just preference. One preference of mine is comedy. The cast of this movie has some of the best comedic people out there right now. Will Ferrell has pretty much secured his “icon status” and keeps putting out quality greatness. Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, and the always awesome David Cross rarely disappoint. And of course, who doesn’t love Brad Pitt? Tyler Durden for President. So all of these ingredients were enough for me to get over my stance on cartoons. I took the chance and sat down with the movie Megamind with an open mind and a little bit of optimism. I forewarned my brain that this is a kids movie and that I shouldn’t expect anything “edgy”. With that programmed in my head, the movie wasn’t that bad. Will Ferrell is “Megamind” and Brad Pitt is “Metro Man”. They’ve been in the same classes as a kids and while Metro Man was praised and loved and grew into a super hero, Megamind was an outcast and took to being an evil villain. Megamind finally eliminates Metro Man and without an arch nemesis he feels empty and alone. So he goes after Tina Fey’s character, a reporter who was always kidnapped. He also manipulates Jonah Hill’s character, her camera man, to become a super hero of his own. All of this just to basically have something to do to give his life meaning. All goes wrong and he has to step up and do things he wouldn’t normally do to make things right. It’s a kid’s movie. It has a happy ending and all is well. That’s not a spoiler, that’s just how these movies work. The moral of the story that I took from it was that you don’t have to be a jerk to get attention… or something. I don’t know. Maybe it’s “be nice and you’ll be accepted”. I really can’t tell. It’s one of those good message movies though. It really didn’t have any edgy stuff snuck in there, which made it feel like Will and Jonah were muzzled. It’s an amusing movie and kids under 13 should love the hell of this movie. If you are a kid under the age of 13 or have the mental capacity of one, you’ll think this movie is the greatest thing ever. For those 14 and up, it was fun enough. I enjoyed it for what it was. I’ll probably never watch it again, but I’m not upset I did the once I did. B