Simon Pegg and Nick Frost does it again. I’ve enjoyed everything they’ve done together and apart. Well, maybe not so much “Hot Fuzz”, but I’m pretty much in the minority there. They’re always dishing out laughs in smart and unique settings. Their show “Spaced” was way before its time, “Shaun of the Dead” is a classic, and I’m always happy to see them. This is why I can’t believe I wasn’t more excited for this movie. I’m happy I wasn’t and I’m thrilled I went into this movie with no expectations. The surprising amount of awesome that made up the supporting cast here makes this movie almost too awesome to take. First, let’s get into the plot. Pegg and Frost play two comic book nerds who have come to America to hit up a big comic book convention and to go on a road trip to see random “extra terrestrial” points of interest. It’s a road trip movie, it’s science fiction, and it’s hilarious. Along the way they piss off some rednecks, meet an awkward chick, and they’re on the run from the government. Why are they on the run? Because they meet and befriend an alien named “Paul”. “Paul” is voiced by Seth Rogen, which is cool on itself. It’s Jason Bateman, Bill Hader, and Joe Lo Truglio as the special agents. It’s Kristen Wiig as the awkward girl. Then we fill out the rest of these smaller roles with the lovely Blythe Danner, Jane Lynch, David Koechner, and Jeffrey Tambor. Just like “Shaun of the Dead”, you go into it a bit confused as what genre you’re getting into. Before you know it you’re laughing at the alien smoking weed, Kristen Wiig putting out her best comedic acting performance, Bill Hader rocking the “David Spade in Coneheads” role, and really falling in love with the characters. I don’t want to get too deep into the story. When you just describe the movie it takes all the air out of it. There are points that seem a little boring, played out, or whatever. It’s not. The characters and heart in this movie is what carries it, and carries it well. The story is sharp, the humor is dead on, and as crazy as this movie is it’s easily one of the best comedies I’ve seen in awhile. Is it as good as their Edgar Wright/”Shaun”/”Hot Fuzz” stuff? Yes. Better? Give me another dozen viewings. And yeah, there WILL be another dozen viewings. B+