I’ve been watching way more kids movies lately than before. It’s not that my enthusiasm for them have changed, it’s just my path has crossed more of them than usual lately. It’s not my normal cup of tea, but I can be objective and I can judge them based on their genre and audience with ease. A good movie is a good movie. I want to stress that. I’m open minded as much as possible and not everything I enjoy has to be adult or indie. I say all of this because I watched Yogi Bear and it sucked. It sucked so badly it’s not even funny. I watched with enthusiasm and good spirits, but it barely made me smile that a lone laugh. Dan Aykroyd did the Yogi voice and Justin Timberlake did Boo Boo. THAT sounds cool as hell. You could hear some Aykroyd in Yogi, and actually a little too much. He didn’t sound Ed Norton (“Honeymooners” version) enough. Timberlake’s voice and personality didn’t come out AT ALL with Boo Boo. It’s really easy to forgot he has anything to do with it. The animation is kind meh. It looks like how the Chipmonks movies did, but not as good. The humans were okay, but it was hokey. Ranger Smith is Tom Cavanaugh, who is has to be the most likable guy ever who starred in a million short lived shows, Anna Faris as a documentary film maker in Jellystone, TJ Miller as the silly ranger assistant, and others. I generally like the people in this, but it just sucked. The writing was lame and dumb. I never really thought about it, but do they purposely make kid movies for the dumber ones like how they make dumb comedies aimed towards a dumb demographic? I wonder. I’m sure I watched me share of dumb kid movies, but I wonder if they consider that a demographic. This movie was cheesy as hell and lacked a genuine feeling warmness. The typical character archs are there, but for some reason it felt like everyone was just half assing it. One redeeming quality is that the movie is only like 80 minutes. It’s long enough to force yourself to sit through and short enough not to start burning your eye lids. This was a letdown for sure. There is much better kid movies out there, hell there are better dumb kid movies. I kept waiting for Brendan Frazer to show up and look confused. It’s THAT bad. D-