I’ll watch Bill Murray read the phone book and like it. Seriously, I’m THAT amused and entertained by the man that I’d watch two hours of him reading names out loud. Thankfully this was not Bill Murray reading the phone book. It was a pretty good movie. The movie follows an old man hermit played by a very grizzly Robert Duvall who decides one day that he’d like to plan his own funeral. It turns out his plan it really to have one big party for people to come to and speak their mind and share their horrible stories about him in public. He ends up meeting a young guy, Lucas Black, who works at a funeral home ran by Bill Murray. They work with Duvall in planning this funeral party because their business is dying. They pretty much have to follow him around and deal with his temper tantrums throughout. I say that because it grows old. You know something is deeper and bigger concerning Duvall, but it takes until the very end to really pay off. As the movie progresses we also see that Duvall and Sissy Spacek have a history. It’s all so vague and oh-so deep. It just felt flat. A lot of reviewers are quick to say Duvall did great and should have gotten some attention come this last award season. He did okay, but it wasn’t “great” by any means. He wore a crazy beard and played a grizzly old bad ass. He does that every day, sans the beard of course. Bill Murray was awesome as always, but the rest of the movie and cast didn’t do anything for me. The direction, Bill Murray, and the effort was great but other than that you can pretty much pass on this movie. It’s well crafted, but boring. There are much better ways to spend an hour and a half. Try pretty much any of Murray’s other projects. C-