I am a big fan of Adam Sandler. I do like the guy a lot. His old comedy albums were among my favorite cassette tapes. I loved his stuff on SNL. I am a huge fan of his early goof-ball comedies. He impressed the hell out of me with his work in “Reign On Me”. He’s just a funny and likeable guy. You can’t help but want to cheer him on. Sadly, this reasoning often forces me to make unreasonable decisions. Over the past few years I’ve found myself enjoying Sadler’s movies less and less. How many PG romantic comedies is he going to make? They’re all the same to me. Sometimes we get him and Drew Barrymore rocking their natural chemistry, but the rest of the time it’s bland sauce. I’ll spend two hours watching the random new Adam Sandler movies. The result is me not laughing for two hours. There is amusing stuff in the trailers and in the movies, but it just feels flat and lame in the wide realm of the movie. It just feels like the same shit over and over. “Just Go With It” is the same shit. Sandler wears polo shirts and cargos, has wacky friends, gay people are silly fun, hot petite chicks, random animal humor, and we’re treated to Sandler’s on-going “I don’t wanna grow up!” spiel. There really wasn’t much about this movie that’s worth being excited about. This is seriously the same movie I’ve seen before. He’s a jerk, he falls for Brooklyn Decker, he has to use Jennifer Anniston and her kids to fill in on a lie of his about having kids and a soon-to-be ex-wife, and then mediocrity ensues. You know off the bat that in the end Sandler is going to realize he’s better off with Anniston. It’s clear as day. This movie was a waste of two hours. I genuinely like Sandler and Anniston but this movie sucked and was boring. If movies could be music, this movie would be a jingle. It’s disposable and interchangeable with like ten other movies. It’s frustrating because I still hold Sandler in a really high regard. I know he can be hilarious and I know he has to have better taste than this shit. I’m not saying he needs to make vulgar R rated comedies or anything, but how about something that doesn’t make me want to stab my eye sockets. He can and will do better. Sadly, that’s how I’ll get sucked into his next crap-fest. I’m still holding out for Happy Gilmore 2… C-