I think timing is everything. I remember seeing “Arthur” as a kid and not really understanding it. Dudley Moore was funny and all, but it just didn’t stick with me. In 2011, the new version with Russell Brand gets another shot at it. First of all, I’m a big fan of Russell Brand. I think he’s a very entertaining guy, has a great story, and really knows how to live life. I know he’s not for everyone, but I’m a fan. I think that’s what makes the biggest difference in how someone is going to judge this movie. I’ve read some harsh reviews and some pleasant ones. If you’re looking for a harsh review go elsewhere. I really liked this movie. I’m a bit snobbish when it comes to comedies lately. If the movie isn’t rated R then I’m hesitant to give it too much anticipation. Of course I watch movies that aren’t rated R all the time. I’m not delusional or anything. It’s just that I’ve noticed that most of the best recent comedies get the more adult rating. I didn’t really know what to expect with this movie. Just because it’s a remake doesn’t mean it’d have the same tone. It might be sacrilegious to purists out there, but I really think I liked this version better. We have Russell Brand playing an alcoholic man child. He’s filthy rich and does whatever he wants. His nanny, the awesome Helen Mirren, keeps him in line as much as she can. He’s arranged to marry an evil corporate Jennifer Garner with a jerky father in Nick Nolte. On one of his journeys he meets a playful weird girl played by Greta Gerwig. They fall for each other and form a real relationship. Heartwarming hilarity ensues. It’s just a really charming movie with some solid lines and entertaining spots. If you like Russell Brand you’ll love this movie. The movie isn’t all fluffy or anything. It’s definitely not for the younger kids. He drinks a lot, he womanizes, and he’s pretty vulgar for what it was. It’s the funniest I’ve seen Helen Mirren in a movie for sure. She was snarky in “RED”, but in this movie her character had heart, some good lines, and really good chemistry with Brand. It was cool to see Jennifer Garner in a role like this as well. Nick Nolte was weird. He made me more uncomfortable than anything. Outside of Russell Brand knocking it out of the park, I think I’m officially in love with Greta Gerwig. I took notice of her in the recently released “Greenberg” with Ben Stiller and I want to say I’ve seen her in something else. In this movie she’s really cute and is on par with the child-like playfulness of Russell Brand. It was a good movie. I’d recommend getting it on DVD, kicking back one afternoon and watching it with pop corn and a loved one. Are there funnier recent releases? I’m having trouble thinking of many. Thoughts? A-