There are some lower budget under the radar films that just come along and slap the viewer in the face with its awesomeness. Win Win is a Fox Searchlight movie meaning it’s a “corporate indie”. I’m sure they had a large crew and it had to cost more than a few million to make. These movies keep popping up and taking real indies out at the knees. These movies take the festival slots, get the theatre spots, and raise people’s production quality expectations when it comes to the term “low budget”. I’m not a hater because these movies can sometimes be great, but I think there needs to be a line drawn between the “corporate indies” and the “poor folk indies”. Like I said, I can’t hate on them too much because they can sometimes be great. Win Win IS great.
Paul Giamatti stars as a do-good attorney who is having all sorts of problems. He has two daughters and a supportive wife in Amy Ryan. He does the law stuff during the day, but he also moonlights as a high school wrestling coach. Here he coaches with the awesome Jeffrey Tambor and his team sucks. He ends up getting himself into a shady situation with an old man client. This leads to the old guy’s grandson showing up and wrestling for the team. Obviously he kicks ass and all is well for Giamatti’s character. At least for a little while. Things fall apart for him even worse than before. We also get a supporting spot from Bobby Cannavale. I’m becoming a bigger fan of this guy every time I see him. The real story here is the weird bond between the grandson, played awesomely by Alex Shaffer, Giamatti, and Amy Ryan. They all need each other and fill a certain void for each other in such a real and honest way. I don’t think anyone here is “the bad guy” or “good guy”, but it’s clear who the kid should be with at the end. I keep hearing the phrase “one of the best movies of the year” tossed around in relation to this movie. I don’t know about that one. I more so think this is THE best movie so far this year. I know the Oscar bait season is right around the corner, but this movie sticks with you. The acting, directing, tone, and everything were top notch. Thomas McCarthy deserves awards for his screenplay though. I would be surprised if he’s not at least nominated for some big ones. If you like indie movies, comedy-dramas, and just good movies then you should go out of your way to see this. I can’t recommend it enough! A