Ever see a movie that you didn’t have a huge desire to see and then get your thought shifted. I didn’t want to see Priest all that much, but once I read the plot and saw the trailer I was a little more open to it. I like Underworld, Resident Evil, and some of the more weird sci-fi action movies so it wasn’t too hard to get me on board. I have it a chance. It had some promise to it. It wasn’t like a lot of movies I’ve seen. It had a cool concept and it looked cool. The story kept my attention and there were some interesting plot twists that kept me interested. I like Paul Bettany. He’s been okay in the stuff I’ve seen him in and he did fine in this role. I also enjoyed Maggie Q and Karl Urban in their roles. I really enjoyed the ironic twist of Stephen Moyer, Vampire Bill from “True Blood”, being a victim of vampire violence. Seriously, there wasn’t much about this movie that wasn’t working for me. I was impressed and dug it. All until like the last minute or two. This movie is one of the most anticlimactic movies I’ve ever seen. It was like they had ten or fifteen pages left in the script and decided to call it a wrap. There IS an ending, but it feels so empty and flat. I’m sure they were hoping for a lot of love and a dozen sequels, but the way this movie panned out ruined any desire I had to want to see this story carry on or these characters in new situations. There are movies that are good and there are movies that are bad. This movie was just annoying. D+