I think everyone can relate to the horrors that are cancer, but for some reason this movie made it really hard to emote. I think it’s just too dry. Over the past few years the fandom for Joseph Gordon-Levitt has sky rocketed. I like him just fine. I think he’s funny and a good actor. He seems like a cool guy and I look forward to watching his career evolve. That said, I think too many people are putting too much stock into him. His natural charm and Seth Rogen’s goofiness couldn’t really save this movie for me. Rogen was fun in this movie as the support star/best friend. He was obnoxious in all the most fun of ways. The supporting cast was overall pretty good. I always enjoy Anjelica Huston, Anna Kendrick, and Bryce Dallas Howard. They all do well in the movie. Huston’s overprotective, overbeating, over-loving mother is great. If anyone should get an award from this movie it’s her. Who thought a dramedy about cancer wouldn’t be all that funny? For some reason when this movie was first announced and when I first saw the trailer I was really excited. I wanted to see this movie badly. I knew it was about Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character getting cancer and Seth Rogen’s character being his cheerful buddy. The trailer made it look WAY funnier than the movie actually turns out to be. There are points in this movie where things are slightly amusing. Not so much like “ha ha!” side splitting or anything, but just witty or amusing. There was really only one point in this movie that I laughed out loud. On the flip side, there was no point I was “teary eyed”. It just felt a bit “Hallmarky”. Not because it’s a feel good-emotional movie or anything. It was just… I dunno how else to describe it than “flat”. I don’t know who to really blame if anyone. It’s a well spoken movie, charming, it’s well shot, well edited, and overall well crafted. No one is particularly bad in this. It’s just… flat. I’ll forget about this movie a lot quicker than I expected. See it if you MUST, but if anything just wait for it to be on cable 5 times a day. I’d give it a C+, but the cancer thing makes that a little weird. So, I go with B-