What the hell happened with this movie? Jonah Hill plays a slacker college student who lives with his mom. She forces him to get off his ass and babysit for her friends. The kids include an obviously gay little boy, a Jersey Shore/Karsashian generation vulgar little girl, and a crazy foreign kid. Meanwhile he’s with a girl (Ari Graynor) who is treating him like shit and using him for all he’s worth. He keeps blindly following after her and doing whatever she wants… including getting her some blow. To get the blow he loads up the kids, goes for the blow and then would go hook up and finally get laid. Road bumps occur in the form of a crazy drug dealer played by Sam Rockwell with his assistant JB Smoove. Along with that we get tons of other randomness. The flow just never connects. There is amusing stuff going on, but there is no connection to it. The plot and twists were as predictable and as played out as any other plot device. It was actually a letdown. I wasn’t expecting too much, but I was still expecting something more. It’s sorta like the “Adventures of Babysitting” movie, but not nearly as good. It’s one big epic journey where the kids learn something about themselves, grow closer, and get in snazzy one-liners. It’s vulgar and R-Rated, which I typically like. Here it’s just lame. A little girl singing vulgar rap stuff? Lame. Kids and cocaine? Harold and Kumar 3D did that too. I was really annoyed by the way they portrayed black people. It was pretty racist for 2011. It was like a blaxpoitation mixed with every black stereotype of all time. It just didn’t sit right with me. The movie wasn’t all that good. It was shoddy, the kids are unlikable, and it all felt really contrived. I know it’s a comedy and all that, but it just didn’t click. Jonah Hill did well with it. I enjoyed seeing him play the lead in a movie like this while he was still a big guy. Rockwell was fun. Hill was fun. JB Smoove was fun. The movie really wasn’t. It was a really long 81 minutes. I wouldn’t really recommend going out of your way to see this movie, but if you come across it there are way worse things to watch. C