I know this isn’t a “movie” per say, but it’s a feature length release none the less. If you follow modern stand-up comedy then you should already know that Louis CK is king. Louis CK used to write and do small stand up shows. He busted ass and paid his dues. Now he’s doing things on his own terms. I know how cheesy it sounds to say “on his own terms”, but I don’t know how else to put it without getting too metaphorical. “Louis CK is marching to the beat of his own drummer” sounds homoerotic. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing or anything, but it’s DEFINITELY not what I was going for. What I’m getting at is that Louis CK has a deal with FX where he writes, directs, and edits his own show. That shit is unheard of, but he does it and is amazing at it. He took this “Do It Yourself” approach to his recent stand up special. He hired a crew, shot a live standup special in New York, and then edited it himself and released it himself. Like how Radiohead or Nine Inch Nails did with paying the artist directly for the digital content at a much lower price. It cuts out the middle man and puts the artist in control of the art. It’s a crazy concept, but its dudes like CK that has to trail blaze what seems like an obvious means in 2012. All you do is go to his website, pay $5 and then you can stream it online or download it in full out 720p HD glory. How convenient is that? You can chill at home, watch stand-up comedy on your computer, indulge in any activity you want while watching, pause it, stop it, rewind it, and have full control. No stuffy crowds, no travel, no parking, no cable subscriptions, no anything. Just you, a computer, and your own set of morals. Louis CK’s last few specials have been classic so this was pretty ballsy. He’s hilarious, but he can’t keep hitting homeruns. It would suck if he made people go out of the way to pay $5 and put on a sucky special. This is Louis CK we’re talking about though. Remember what I said, yeah… Louis CK is king. The editing and direction was similar to a normal comedy show, but had a strong slice. It had a certain style to it. The opening was shot very well and it all came together really nicely. Louis CK could never perform again and just direct and edit comedy shows and be great at it. The production aside, let’s get to the important part. The comedy itself. Old people had Carlin, Pryor, Eddie, or Hicks. Louis CK is THAT for us. It’s awesome that more and more people are opening up to that sentiment. This special was great. There were plenty of great lines and jokes in this. I don’t want to spoil any of that because reading my text versions of it won’t due Louie’s delivery a tenth of the proper justice. It’s all new material. Unless you’ve seen him on tour recently then odds are you’ve never heard these jokes. You should stop being stupid and just go pay the man and enjoy this special. You WILL laugh. A