Holy shit. That’s all I can say. This movie is amazing. It’s a “Grindhouse” movie in the same vein as the throwbacks that Tarintino and Rodriguez made a few years ago. Those movies were fun for what they were, QT’s being a lot better. This was one of those fake trailers like “Machete” that got tacked on. It won a contest at SXSW and then eventually got made. They got Rutger Hauer playing a homeless guy down on his luck. The town he finds himself in is so horrible that he ends up snapping and indulging in some vigilante justice. I don’t want to expose the plot TOO much because this movie needs to be experienced in the purest of minds. Going into it and not knowing exactly what to expect made for a pretty exciting ride. The gore and cheese of the movie is like the old grind house movies we all love. It reminded me of the original “Death Race 2000” movie in the sense that it just didn’t give a fuck at all about how far it took things or how hokey certain scenes are. It’s also a lot like an old blaxpoitation film. It had that old grainy and scratchy grit, the low budget crush, and a self serving practicality that would make Lloyd Kaufman applaud. I can’t recommend this movie enough. It’s not a movie that I’ll rewatch a million times, but I know there are those who will hold his movie as one of their favorites. I can respect that. Either way, seeing this movie is a must but I warn it’s not for the weak at heart or dim witted snobs. Enjoy! B+