When I saw the trailer for this movie I knew I wouldn’t like it. Something about the Adam Sandler “Superfriends” crew rubs me the wrong way. They have their highs and lows, but overall it feels like their coasting. The material of these movies are on the lame side. It’s a combo of vulgar and silly that just comes off too Nickelback/domestic bottle for my tastes. I’m not a big Nick Swardson fan either. He’s like a modern hipster version of Ed Grimley. It’s just too much “shtick”. So basically… I’m going into this movie being a dick. I’m negative and I don’t expect much. Still, it’s an hour and a half of my time. Despite the first few sentences of this proving otherwise, I do honestly tend to try to be optimistic. I don’t want to sit there and hate what I’m watching. I’m always hoping to have my mind blown. That said, I’ll at least be honest. This movie was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be, but better AND worse. “That’s fucked up, Mike… that makes NO sense!” You’re right hypothetical quote-man, but let me explain. The movie is about a naive weirdo from a small town. He’s an over the top character, nerdy, awkward, and all that. He finds out his parents were porn stars so he decides to move to LA so he can follow their footsteps. Hilarity… never really ensued. He meets up with Christina Ricci, a dumb waitress that’s way too sweet. Don Johnson, who is as unlikeable and a succubus of enjoyment as always. Stephen Dorff, who is everything I just typed about Don Johnson but at least seven times worse. All of the characters were shitty. The biggest issue with this movie is the third act, or whatever is there that resembles one. The movie’s story builds up to a peak that is so anticlimactic that it’s bothersome. It’s like they were like “okay, let’s stop writing now and wrap this up.” I can shit on a movie and I’m not too much of a jerk to not appreciate a horrible movie. I am huge fan of “Freddy Got Fingered”. This makes that look like “Inception”. Everyone involved with this movie has done much better in much better movies. One bright spot was Kevin Nealon’s crazy and angry for no good reason roommate character. It was the expected and easy porn jokes mixed in with some gross out humor. It doesn’t come anywhere close to as funny and vulgar as Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s “Orgazmo”. In fact if you watch this movie and need to cleanse yourself from its badness or if you wanted to see it and need a replacement for the night then watch “Orgazmo” for the porn humor and “Grandmas Boy’” for the cast at their best. For the first time ever… F