I had no connection to the source material. The show was around when I was still trying to figure out how to tie my shoes and what my address was. I vaguely remember it, but it just wasn’t part of “my” generation. I think because of that I didn’t care that they decided to make a movie about it. I know it sucks when childhood favorites are remade or rehashed to lesser than awesome results. I get it. I just didn’t care about this show. I enjoyed Channing Tatum in the few roles I’ve seen and Jonah Hill has become a very dependable comedic (and now overall) actor. The trailer looked funny and at this point I’ll take all the half-decent R-rated comedies I can get. So I took the time and checked out this movie. It was that or that “Harry Potter and Twilight of the Rings – Hunger Games” movie. The movie was way better than I had expected. I think that’s the key here. Don’t go into it with high expectations. It’s a funny movie and I’d watch it again down the line. I bet the extended cut of this will be great. They play two rookie cops who went to high school together back in the day. Tatum is the bad ass jock type, who in the day sported Scott Stapp hair… and then Hill is the nerd who bleached his hair to look like Eminem. I went to high school with these types of people so it was relatable. They go undercover to shut down a drug ring at a local high school. I also related to the weird outlook at teenagers and younger folks today. The things that were lame and nerdy ten years ago are now cool. Everything is politically correct and pretty much “pussified”. The movie never really steered from that mentality of “kids today… are SO lame”. The supporting cast was solid. Dave Franco was cool and had a fun role. Brie Larson was cute and awesome and everything Jonah Hill was drooling over. Then we get faculty of Ellie Kemper and Rob Riggle. Obviously, they were great. Last summer “Bad Teacher” was released; another “R-rated adult perspective of high school nonsense”. This is NOT that. It’s funny, charming, silly, witty, tongue-in-cheek, and just a good time. The chemistry between Hill and Tatum was hilarious and I’m all for them doing more stuff together. This movie is already a success and they’re already talking about a sequel. Count me in. This is the funniest movie I’ve seen so far in 2012. I can’t imagine it falling too far off the list come the end of the year. Check this movie out. A