I’m pretty sure I’m the last person on Earth to see this movie. It set records and cleaned up at the box office. I’m more of a Batman guy myself. At this point, I’m looking forward to the third movie in the trilogy more than any other movie. Before this past weekend, that included The Avengers. I really enjoyed Iron Man, Captain America, and the last Hulk movie. I haven’t seen Thor, but I’ll live. Then again, if it’s anything like Captain America I’ll be surprisingly engaged in the movie. That’s what seems to happen every time with these Marvel movies. These aren’t A-List superheros. The A-List to me is Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. Everyone else is on a lower level. That’s not saying a lower level in quality, but rather history and credibility. I won’t bore anyone with the plot here. I’m not saying there is no plot or anything. There is a very well-crafted story here. It’s just this movie is giving the kids and the fans a buffet of superhero awesomeness. If I were a ten year old me, I’d want to watch this movie four times a day. Still, being a 28 year old me, I STILL sorta want to watch it at least three times a day. I’ll make the time. It’s like the Ocean’s 11 of superhero movies. We get Downey Jr., Ruffalo, Evans, Scarlett, Jeremy Renner, Mr. L. Jackson, and a slew of others. The movie is over two hours long, but there isn’t really a need for that much character development. We’ve already had that development in the origin movies we’ve already enjoyed. That’s the cool part. We don’t have to sit through some trying time of some dude becoming a hero. We get to the meat of things. The bad guys are causing problems and The Avengers are taking them down. The action is good, the story is good, and the movie watching experience is good. More than good even. I understand why this movie broke records. The viewing public were groomed to eat this movie up. It’s not just empty hype and great advertising though. There is substance here. I’m hoping we get more and more. Comic book movies have no right being this good. It’s not the artistic masterpiece that was “The Dark Knight”, but I’d still hold this movie is very high regards. If this isn’t the best movie of 2012 so far, I don’t know what is. Hell, I don’t know what will surpass it. Can anything? A