I watched ten minutes of the first Underworld and couldn’t get into it. Before they started turning to glitter, I used to look forward to vampire movies. This movie was just too dull for me. Years later I’d be talked into giving it another shot, by this I mean “my girlfriend made me”. So within a few days I watched the entire trilogy and saw some value in the franchise. There were dull parts, but overall the mythos and characters were pretty cool. Kate Beckinsale is awesome as “Selene”. It’s a perfect role for her. It’s like “Neo” with Keanu Reeves or The Governator being the “Terminator”. She brings a little class to what would normally be a disposable role. This latest movie scored the best box office of any of these movies, but the problem is that it’s easily the worst movie of the entire bunch. It’s just a let-down of epic proportions. The story starts off interesting. The world has uncovered the vampires and werewolves and are in an all-out assault to kill them all off. This leaves the non-humans to hide out or be exterminated. Meanwhile, Selene and Michael, her hybrid lover, are captured. Then we fast forward to TWELVE YEARS later. They had then frozen and did tests on them. One test was birthing a daughter. Selene gets freed from the ice, and with her new daughter, goes on a search to find Michael and fight off bad guys. There are some cool effects here, but nothing new. The story is somewhat interesting, but nothing new. The ending sucked. They build up to something that could have been interesting, but instead leaves us hanging. It’s not even a cool cliff hanger. It’s just “well, we’re here…” If you’ve avoided the Underworld franchise up until now then keep doing that. If you’ve been a fan of the series you can really avoid this. Nothing happens. Selene has a daughter now. I’m not even spoiling that for anyone because it was in the trailer. That’s ALL that happens in this movie. Seriously, only watch if you’re a masochistic “completist”. Otherwise, this is one of the lamest movies I’ve watched in a long time. D-