If any foreign country sees “Project X”, I’d like to hereby apologize for my country and assure you that we’re not all like this. I promise! I enjoy R-rated comedies and I’ve always been a fan of teen comedies. Every generation has a few really good ones and a few not to good ones. I dig most of them, including some of the bad ones. “Project X” is a movie about a group of loser kids in school (because it’s always the loser kids in these movies) throw a party. They want to be popular so they throw a big “crazy” house party. You know it’s crazy because the characters keep telling us it is. These are the most unlikeable characters I’ve seen in a comedy in a long time. How many “rich loser kids want popularity” movies are we going to suffer through? There just wasn’t anything about this movie that made me laugh. This movie made me want to literally BEAT UP high school kids. The characters were not enjoyable and had the depth of an outie belly button. It’s just one “Look! The douche bad kids are being douche bags! YAY!” The bullshit here is that people will defend a movie like this with quips like “What did you expect? It’s a party movie!” or “It’s not Gone With the Wind! Just enjoy it!” or “It’s what kids do now!” Screw that noise. As a comedy film, it has a responsibility to be funny. This movie was not funny and the biggest waste of an hour and a half quite possibly EVER. I wish no harm to anyone that was involved with this movie. I’m sure the intentions were to make a funny movie about “today’s kids” and a “big crazy party”. It’s just douchey teenagers saying a lot of horrible things and doing a lot of horrible things. I can’t think of ANYTHING that’s redeemable about this movie. I not only want a refund, but punitive damages. It just failed. HARD. I’m not going to go on any crusade to tell people how bad this was. It’s not worth it, one way or another. This movie was just so shitty that it doesn’t really deserve any thought after this review is done. “Project X" makes me think abortions should be legal up until the age 18. I literally can't think of ANY R-rated teen comedy that's less entertaining. It's the Nickelback of teenage comedies. If you watch this movie and enjoy it then you’re a very dumb person. This is me being nice about it. F