If you’ve seen the trailer for “Los Enchiladas!” and weren’t amused then you won’t be when you see the movie. If you thought the trailer looked hilarious then this is probably the movie for you. I’ve not looked forward to an Adam Sandler movie in a long time. He has fallen into a repetitive cycle of crap. He plays the same guy in the same general premise. Lots of polo shirts and cargo shorts. Lots of gay jokes and loud expressions. Lots of “why is this extremely attractive woman with this douche” thoughts. He can be funny and good. “Funny People” recently proved he still has the chops, but no. The hilarity and fun of his old 90’s movies isn’t there and there is rarely any substance involved. This said, I actually anticipated this movie. I like Andy Samberg a lot and am looking forward to following him where he goes post-SNL. I thought maybe the obviously awesome casting would result in something cool. Sadly, it didn’t. I’m not the type that enjoys watching a movie with negative intentions. I’m always optimistic I’ll enjoy it or find something good in it. Why would anyone want to waste their time otherwise? This movie just didn’t work for me. A lot of people had a problem with the plot. It wasn’t the plot. When Adam Sandler’s character was a kid he ended up having a relationship with his hot school teacher. She gets sent to jail, but she’s pregnant so Sandler has to raise him. He becomes a D-list celebrity and by the time we get to present day he’s washed up and a big loser. The baby grew up to be Andy Samberg, an uptight guy whose getting married and is avoiding his embarrassing past. The loser dad needs money so he goes to his son. Hijinks and hilarity ensued. At least, that was the objective. Sadly, the movie fell into the same Sandler-ism cliché problems. This movie is far from Sandler’s worst, but it’s still nothing I’d care to see again. It kept my interest and nothing was too shockingly bad, but it just wasn’t good. Leighton Meester was the fiancé. She was just sort of there until the plot twist. Vanilla Ice is one of Sandler’s character’s friends. It’s always cool to see Vanilla Ice. Dan Patrick has had cameos in a lot of Sandler movies. Here he gets to play the awesome “Randall Morgan”. He steals the show when he’s on the screen. I also dug the idea of Milo Ventimiglia getting a good featured role. He plays the fiancé’s overprotective military brother. He was awesome on “Heroes” and I hope if anything this movie will lead to more work for Milo. That’s about it though. “Los Enchiladas!” is going to be another one of those blurry Adam Sandler movies that I’ll gladly forget about. The jokes felt flat, there wasn’t no real emotional or personal depth, nothing to relate to, and nothing to cheer on. By the sloppy end of the movie you’re just glad it’s over. I’m not mad that I watched it, but I can’t recommend it. Go with the trailer. If you laughed at the trailer then see it and enjoy. If you thought the trailer looked lame then you should probably wait. C+