Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Another week has gone by without taking in any new movies or even any old movies. Because of this, I’m attacking the back catalog of movies I’ve seen many times but never reviewed. One of these classic gems is the 1988 horror comedy Beetlejuice. This was 1988 and Tim Burton’s vision and creativity were starting to really hit its stride. This movie, and a few others to come after, really felt inspired and are still the best Burton movies. In recent years he seems to have latched on the awesome Johnny Depp and has been coasting. This movie is far from that. All is good and normal for a young smart couple played by Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis. They end up getting killed in a horrible car accident. They end up become ghosts. A new snobby family move in and cause shit. This family is made up of Catherine O’Hara and Jeffery Jones and daughter, a young Winona Ryder. The family knows there is paranormal in the house. Winona embraces it and the others get screwed with. They decide to try to contact the afterlife and make peace. This brings the awesome Beetlejuice to “life”! We have Michael Keaton as the lead character, Beetlejuice. He’s an undead miscreant who is full of crazy. He is summoned when some some tries to contact the ghosts of the haunted house. Keaton had some great roles in his time, but his charisma and timing as Beetlejuice was amazing. The look and style of the movie is remarkable, the performances are pitch perfect, and the character and story is going to always be a favorite of anyone who grew up during this time. I dare anyone to listen to “Jump in the Line” by Harry Belafonte and not think about Beetlejuice. If you’ve seen this movie before consider giving it another look, it’s worth catching up with. If you’ve lived an unfortunate life and haven’t seen this movie then I feel sorry for you. Luckily, it’s not too late for you. Watch it! Watch it now! A