The trailer and cast for “Killing Them Softly” made me want to see this movie. We have a hit man/crime story involving Brad Pitt, Richard Jenkins, James Gandolfini, Ray Liotta, and a slew of familiar and talented performers. I finally saw the movie and it wasn’t really what I expected. The plot isn’t too out of the ordinary. Some lower level criminals hold up a poker game of bigger criminals and money men. The lower level criminals get a hit put out on them and… “something” ensues. The direction and editing of it was that indie slow-mo gritty style. The storytelling didn’t spoon feed the viewer, but it really didn’t provide enough substance. There is this pretentious “this is so artsy” attempt at substance with tons of 2008ish Bush and Obama speeches and hoopla in the background of everything. Is that supposed to be “reflective of society” or some bullshit? I have no problem with pretentious statements, but this felt so forced and tacked on. It wasn’t all bad though. I enjoyed what I saw; I enjoyed the performances, the action, the style, and all of that. It just didn’t connect. I’d watch it again and I’d recommend people to watch it at least once and make up their own mind. What am I missing here? C+