I’m at an age where light hearted PG comedies aren’t my thing. I don’t laugh much at pratt-falls or slap stick. I’m not so much jaded, but I just like things to be edgier, smarter, and even sillier. The comedy movies of Kevin James have not been for me. I watched “Mall Cop” and “Zookeeper” and it was painful. I know that sounds harsh, but it was. It wasn’t Kevin James hate. I enjoy the dude a lot. He was the best part of “King of Queens” and his movie with Vince Vaughn a few years back was REALLY underrated. I know the dude can do stuff more my taste, but he doesn’t. No hate, just not a fan of his comedies. That all said and prefaced, I watched “Here Comes The Boom” with an opened mind. The fact that I feel the way I do about these kinds of movies and the fact that I’m not a MMA/UFC guy at all made me a bit hesitant. It wasn’t a bad movie. I’m not going to hate on it for no reason. It wasn’t totally hokey, but it kept to a reasonably edgy and silly tone. It reminded me a little of Chris Farley’s “Beverly Hills Ninja” in terms of heart and charm. The plot is simple enough. Dude is a high school teacher who steps up to raise money for the school’s extra-curricular classes to remain part of the curriculum. He’s saving Henry Winkler’s job so it’s pretty damn hard not to get behind him. He tries to figure out the money situation and comes to the only conclusion he can… MMA. The dude trains, busts his ass, and eventually has the big fight at the end. There’s nothing too flashy here. You can guess the plot pretty much as soon as you know the set up. That doesn’t mean it’s bad stuff and not worth your time. It’s EASILY the best of the Kevin James’ fronted comedies, Henry Winkler is funny, Salma Hayek is Salma Hayek, and if you’re like me you get to be exposed to the hilarity of bad ass Bas Rutten. If you want to check out a movie with a feel good message, some silly antics, and a good amount of genuine heart this is for you. It’s not going to be blowing anyone’s mind or be studied in any film classes, but it’s really hard not to smile at. This is as a perfect “before bed” or “Sunday afternoon” movie as any. B-