I’m not the biggest fan of Disney. It’s not that I don’t like Disney movies, it’s just that I’ve not seen them all or been overexposed to the old racist Walt Disney’s bullshit. Children are often thrown in front of a television and forced to love the Disney movies. I’m not a total jerk. I DO know that some of these movies are really well done and are considered “classic”. It could also be that I “missed the boat” on the Disney movies because, like I said, I wasn’t forced to love it. I won’t go off on a rant, but it’s the same thing with The Beatles and Star Wars. This said, I have seen a few of the bigger and a few of more recent Disney movies. They’re pretty lame. Other iconic children stories are MUCH better. Give me Bugs over Mickey any day of the way. I’m still open minded though and I was with Wreck-It Ralph. The cast of John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, Alan Tudyk, Jo Lo Trugilo, and a slew of other talented and awesome people made it more appealing than normal. And then the concept of seeing the point of view and life of a video game villain is really interesting. The idea that they’d get to use popular games and their characters was just the icing on the cake. I’m at the age where most of these video game characters are fond memories so it all adds up. The movie itself was pretty fun. Reilly plays a video game villain who decides he’s tired of not being liked and being feared. So he rebels and quits his job. He then goes on a journey through popular games in the arcade while meeting a little digital girl played by Sarah Silverman. They overcome their problems and have to save the arcade. I really don’t think it’s a spoiler to say “and then they live happily ever after”. It IS a Disney movie after all. I almost feel like since the ‘Toy Story’ franchise is over that they’re going to try to use THIS to fill the void. Replace old toys for old video games and you get a whole new generation of people funding the evilest mouse in all the land. But yeah, it was a fun movie. It wasn’t too cheesy or too hokey. John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman both walked the fine line of sounding kid-friendly and sounding like they could drop an F-Bomb at any time. They wouldn’t, but it’s still nice to have that kind of tone in a kids movies. Why treat the kids like little dumb people? Sarcasm, irony, and humor is something kids need earlier the better if you ask me. Letting your kid watch this movie could help that. I might not go out of my way to watch this again, but I can fully recommend it. If you have kids I would imagine this wouldn’t be a horrible movie to have to rewatch over and over. If not, one viewing is pleasant enough. B