There are some movies that critics just hate. Movie 43 is one of those movies. It’s not the casting. This cast features an ensemble cast that includes the likes of Halle Berry, Richard Gere, Hugh Jackman, Emma Stone, Kristen Bell, Kate Winslet, Anna Faris, Gerard Butler, Sean Williams Scott, Johnny Knoxville, and more and more and more. The cast is stacked. The problem here is the actual story and segments. This isn’t a normal movie. It’s a movie with sixteen different storylines. Each of them is done by a different director and stars different actors. They tie these sketch segments together with a loose story about some teenagers screwing with a smart little brother who searches the videos of the internet to find a fake movie called “Movie 43”. It’s not meant to be Shakespeare. I get that. It’s just that I didn’t enjoy this movie. I was amused by some of the stories, but there was so much more that I rolled my eyes at or that went on too long. I think some critics were WAY too harsh on this movie though. The Chicago Sun-Times called it “the Citizen Kane of awful”, but apparently that critic never saw “Bucky Larson”. It’s stupid at times, but it’s not trying to be anything else. We’ve all been trained to think of sketch comedy as Saturday Night Live. It’s one of the best comedy shows ever for a reason, so it makes sense we’ve all been programmed for that. It’s just this movie had a lot of awkwardness to it that just wasn’t enjoyable, ironic, or funny. The writing on a lot of this felt like award show sketches gone horribly wrong. This movie is a train wreck, but it’s a train full of obnoxious clowns and topless women. I wasn’t offended by it. To be perfectly honest, if they attempted another one, I’d watch it. Sketch segments like this are hit and miss. Movie 43 had A LOT more misses than hits, but if you need something to watch while cleaning your bong then why not? C-