Blue Velvet is one of those movies that slipped through the cracks for me. As big of a film fan as I am, it’s crazy that I haven’t seen this David Lynch movie yet. I’ve seen his more recent movies and even “Eraserhead”, but just never caught this one. This was a HUGE mistake. So many random pop culture lines are from this movie that it kind of blows my mind that I didn’t know it firsthand. For those who have missed the boat like I did, you want to go out of your way to see this movie. It stars Kyle MacLachlan, a normal college kid home from school after his father goes ill. Once he gets back to his nice small town he discovers that shit is CRAZY. It’s a David Lynch film so it’s as surreal and creepy as you’d expect. MacLachlan is great in this, but he’s not alone. Isabella Rossellini is crazy as hell in this movie. I instantly recognized her from 30 Rock of all places. She was outstanding in this. She was unnervingly alluring in this. Laura Dern is stunning in this. She’s so delicate and innocent that when she breaks you want to turn your head from the screen. It’s intensely sad. Then there’s Dennis Hopper. Hopper eats up every scene he’s in and made me uncomfortable despite the nearly thirty year time difference. He is a lunatic as “Frank”. He is one of the best psychotic character’s I’ve seen that’s NOT in a horror movie. All of his lines are one-liners that I’ve heard for years. I understand why people enjoy blurting out “I’ll fuck anything that moves!” or “Pabst Blue Ribbon!”. The direction was great and ahead of its time. The acting is great. There isn’t too much to complain about or nit-pick. At first I felt lost when the movie started. It sorta just jumped in and I had to pick up on things to make sense of what was going on. I think that’s part of the experience of this movie. It’s not supposed to make a whole lot of sense. It’s a story that feels like it moves purely on the craziest of instincts. I’m going to have to watch it a few more times to fully take it in, but that’s a task I’m definitely up for. David Lynch is the man. See this movie! See it now! A