If you don’t appreciate the show “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” then you lack any sense of humor and I really don’t think we can be friends. This show is one of the best comedies not just on television right now, but of all time. This show is just THAT great. It should be held on the same level as shows like Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry Sanders Show, Arrested Development, and even shit like Cheers, Cosby, and Sanford and Son. A big reason is the cast of the show. One of those cast members is Glenn Howerton or “Dennis” on the show. I’ve seen him pop up in random stuff like “Crank”, but I really feel like the dude is REALLY underrated. He has a natural charisma to him like a Ryan Reynolds, but he just seems a lot more accessible and more relatable. He should be play “Fletch” if they ever brought it back like it was rumored for a while. Anyway, let’s focus on THIS movie review. Howerton gets a chance to carry the movie here in College Humor’s “Coffee Town”. He plays a web master who hangs out and uses a local coffee shop as his own personal office. The coffee shop is threatened when the plan of converting to a trendy bar is put in place. In order to block this move, Howerton’s character has to work out a plan. He is joined by two friends, Steve Little of “Eastbound and Down” fame” and Ben Schwartz of “a lot of awesome shit” fame. They complement the movie rather nicely. Little is quickly becoming one of my favorite supporting comedy actors out there. Ben Schwartz killed it again. He is hilarious in everything he’s in. I think he’s going to really break out here shortly and roles like this are going to be awesome trivia answers once he’s a household name. He’s just really developing his shit. He’s an comedic actor that makes writing comedic screenplays a hopeful pleasure. The story is fun and works. It’s a workplace comedy, a little guy vs. the jerk movie, and just a solid comedy. Adrianne Palicki is hot and awesome and one of the biggest surprises is Josh Groban. I’m not a fan of his music, but he was really good in this movie. He plays an asshole coffee shop worker who has a lame band. To me, he’s basically playing Scott Stapp if he hadn’t have made it in music. I wasn’t expecting him to be that entertaining. So ALL of these ingredients come together and form a very good movie. It’s not the best thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s a fun movie that I’d watch again. The performances make this movie what it is. For a movie that could have went to the wayside of one of those straight to DVD “National Lampoon” movies, this movie kept it’s shit together and the end result is something I’d recommend to anyone looking for an hour and a half of solid independent comedy with a great cast. Maybe I just like coffee. B+