There are ingredients to this movie that would normally make me not want to watch it. First off, Michael Bay does not make movies for people like me. He makes popcorn movies for the general public. I like a good action movie as much as anyone, but I’ve just not seen a Michael Bay movie that made me excited. I like more cerebral movies; movies of substance if you will. I’m also not huge on Mark Wahlberg. I think he’s an awesome person based on interview, the projects he produces, and the roles he takes. He’s just not an actor that I see the name of and think “I want to see that!” That said, I’ve seen movies starring or featuring Mark Wahlberg that I’ve loved. So it’s hit and misses with him. I do however enjoy the work of Dwayne Johnson. He’s improving his acting range and getting out there more and more. I think he has a good dramatic performance in him that’s dying to come out. This movie ended up being pretty good despite my jaded and snarky mood going into it. I just didn’t expect much. The direction and look of the movie was cool. It was very stylized, but not over-done. It felt like you were watching something different than normal TV and movies. The plot revolves around Wahlberg’s character, an overly ambitious muscle head. He gets a job as a trainer and recruiter as a sleazy gym and eventually decides he’s due more than he’s earned. He hooks up with another trainer, Anthony Mackie, and eventually with a soft-hearted trainer in Dwayne Johnson. Mackie has a fun role of being impotent, marries Rebel Wilson, and has some great lines and moments. His performance really stood out to me. He was entertaining, but still engaging in a real way. Johnson was good as the overly sensitive trainer. He was a monster with the heart of a puppy. This would end up being a problem for the crew. Before you know it, these muscle-heads are kidnapping, extorting, torturing, and getting in WAY over their head. I don’t want to get too far into the plot because I think this is the kind of movie that benefits from having low or no expectations and knowing as little about the plot or story as possible. I don’t even remember the trailer for this movie, but I know I had a good time watching it. It’s not the best movie ever, but it could be the best Michael Bay movie ever. B+