This was a movie that I took too long to watch. When it came out I wanted to see it, but just never got my ass to the theatre. I’m a big fan of most of the people involved and I down right cherish the chance to see potentially well written R rated comedy. I finally got to see this movie and like you probably already know, it’s pretty damn good. It’s easily one of the best comedies of the year, but it’s going to be one of those timeless comedies that show up on whatever the equivalent of basic cable will be in twenty years. It’s just a damn good movie. It’s a bunch of famous actors that we’ve all come to love and appreciate over the years hanging out as crazy hybrid versions of themselves. The world ends and they’re pretty much on their last legs during the apocalypse. Hilarity ensues. The storyline is CRAZY and they go into certain directions you would never expect. By the end of the movie shit has gotten so screwed up that they could literally have done ANYTHING for the end and it would have made just as much a sense as anything else. That’s not an insult. We’re going from the perspective of the characters and they sure as hell don’t know what’s going on so why should we? That’s part of the fun. You get to experience it with them. There is no side shot or cut-away or anything like that. It’s just you with Seth Rogan, James Franco, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Jay Baruchel, and a slew of others keeping up the awesome comedic timing all the way until the last of the last. The jokes are hilarious, the slant of their personalities was a lot of fun, the imagination put into the movie is overflowing, and it’s just a good time. It’s a bit “meta” and “self-referential” so it’s hard to pull the reality and the narrative apart, as weird as that sounds. It’s hard to compare it to a “Knocked Up” or a “Pineapple Express”, but it’s very easy to appreciate and want to watch again. A-