How can you not love Melissa McCarthy? She is easily one of the most energetic and charismatic female comedic actresses to EVER come out. She brings the energy and comedic timing of a Will Ferrell, but has the lovable aloofness of a Galifinakis, and the silly charm of a Jack Black. I love Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Anna Farris, and other leading female comedy performers but McCarthy has that extra something that is just hard to capture. She can make the less than great movies a bit better. Sadly, I feel like that’s what she did here. The Heat looked good. It had Paul Feig behind it and who doesn’t smile at Sandra Bullock. I think my hopes were just too high. I expected this movie to be funnier than Bridesmaids and just as huge. It wasn’t. It was funny and good. I will watch it again and I recommend people watching it. I just think if you’re expecting your mind to be blown or to piss yourself with humorous glee then you’re going into it the wrong way. It’s a cop comedy with McCarthy playing the vulgar brute and Bullock playing the uptight nerd. As lame and as bold as it sounds, this might as well have been advertised as “The Odd Couple with bras and guns.” It’s not a bad thing at all. McCarthy and Bullock didn’t seem to have that much chemistry. Bullock was too stiff. The rest of the cast was good. Demian Bichir is in everything these days and it’s always fun to see Marlon Wayans in something that doesn’t bad ghost movie parodies. Then there are tons of talent sprinkled in. We see Jane Curtin, Taran Killam, Michael McDonalds, Tony Hale, Nathan Corddy, Bill Burr, Kaitlin Olson, and more and more. They stacked this movie with funny people. It was funny, but not the best ever. Check it out on basic cable one afternoon when you don’t want to get out of your pajamas. B