There are more theories about what happened when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated than probably anything else every theorized. There are some obvious roads to go down and some crazy ones, but these roads are traveled down to this day. People just can’t let this one go, and really, nor should they. This movie examines a new point of view to film. The slant here is from the perspective of a few of the unspoken figures affected by what went on. We see the world through the eyes of Mr. Abraham Zapruder, played by Paul Giamatti, the man who shot the famous footage. We follow the medical staff that had to declare the beloved president dead. We follow the brother of Lee Harvey Oswald and watch him cope with being blood to the most hated man in the world. We follow the police involved. It bounces around, leaving your soul crushed more and more with each passing moment. The sadness of everyone, the lost look in everyone’s eyes, and the slow connection everyone built together as they united for their country. It’s really easy to over-romanticize this story and moment in history, but it’s an important moment in the identity of America. This movie further showcases that in a respectful look in full of solid performances. This movie isn’t about history. It’s about the impact of historic things while you’re in the moment. I’m not going to go out and say everyone should see this. I don’t know if it’s suitable for a school viewing, but it should be seen by those in school. B-