Ever see that episode of Law and Order that went over two hours long and had cussing in it? No? Apparently you’ve not seen this 2013 thriller. Off the bat I want to say this movie is not bad at all. I was engaged and interested in the plot and there were some good outings for some good performers. The problem mainly lies in the length and the story fulfillment. By the end of the movie you realized you’ve sat through a pretty standard action drama for well over two hours and the story ends in such a way that you just sorta shrug and say “what the hell”. Not even a “what the hell” in an interested way, but in a mumble unfulfilled way. The movie revolves around a kidnapping. Two families get together for a dinner as the two families find their little girls have been kidnapped. The main suspect is a creepy guy who lives with his mom but he manages to be cleared of the charges. The fathers of the girls take the law in their own hands and take the man hostage. So basically this creepy man-child suspect is being held captive at the same time of two little girls. The family drama, the suspect’s family drama, and the cop who’s on the beat’s drama… it’s all there. All the drama. It’s just really exhausting. While I enjoyed the company I was in for the viewing of this, I just didn’t find myself captivated enough to ever want to watch this movie or even talk about it again. After I rate it of course. C