When you put Christian Bale in anything I’ll watch it. Same goes for Woody Harrelson. So when you put them BOTH in a movie it’s pretty much a sure shot viewing for me. This movie is no different. I HAD to watch it because of the awesome cast. I went in not knowing a whole lot about it and it’s probably for the best. Bale plays a dude who works hard and tries to make ends meet in his meager life. His brother, played by Casey Affleck, gets in over his head with an underground fighting promoter and criminal played by the more nice than expected Willem Dafoe. It’s an interesting aspect because the promoter doesn’t want Affleck to get hurt, but Affleck’s character insists on fighting some bad people to make up his debt and get some money. The bad people? Woody Harrelson and his mountain folk family. The dude is VILE. I’ve seen Harrelson play some mean characters over the years, but this one is the meanest. It’s not so much that he’s more violent because let’s face it, “Natural Born Killers” sets the bar pretty damn high. What makes him so mean is that he’s unlikable. In the other movies he’s got a sense of coolness to him. He has a swagger to his madness. In this he is devoid of any charismatic enthrallment. He is a monster who only cares about his own sick and twisted motives. Bale’s character ends up having to face off with Woody in a kick ass war. It’s a gritty tale of survival. Not in the “trapped on an island” or a “fight for your life” kind of way, despite it turning out that way. To me it’s more about defending one’s honor in some serious acts of desperation. His survival is physical, but it’s also surviving another day to be able to look at himself in the mirror knowing he is standing for what he believes. It’s a good vs. bad movie where the good isn’t all that “good”. The context is deeper than many would probably give it credit for. This movie should have gotten more attention during the award season. The story is a bit dry and sterile at times, which is odd considering the characters and story, but the actors involved made this movie a stand out for 2013. If you can stomach a non-charismatic monster fighting a normal down on the their luck man then you’ll appreciate this. Hell, I recommend it in general. It’s worth watching and deciding for yourself but I think this might have been the dark horse of 2013. Basically, it’s a solid powerful film and you should watch it. B