
[MUSIC] THE SAVAGE ANIMAL "Parental Guidance" |
05.04.11 |

A few weeks ago I jotted down the note to myself of “parents just don’t understand” and “parental guidance”. From there I casually thought about show business parents from the music world. I don’t know why. I just did. In my mind I figured there would be tons of material to rant and ramble about within the topic. And really, it’s actually a topic I don’t believe I’ve covered in the somewhere-near-200 editions of this column. What the hell. It’s worth a shot.
I’m sure there are parental managers in other genres, but it seems that pop singers and R&B folk start early. With that it seems their first manager is typically a parent. Sometimes it’s the kid wanting to achieve, but in some sad cases it’s the parents being really overbearing and living through their kids. Let’s explore the topic…
For thirteen years, Usher’s mom managed his career. Jonetta Patton did a good job. Usher Raymond isn’t perfect, but he seems like a good person. He’s had great success, yet I can’t think of any real drama from him. He was a little creepy at the MJ funeral, but I can look past that. He’s Usher, no one is smoother than Usher. His mom kept a good eye on him, which is a good thing for a 13 year old kid with a recording contract. It seems like the two moved on from each other. I don’t want to research TMZ or gossip sites, but one would hope it’s just him giving her an early retirement to enjoy.
Beyonce fired her father a few months ago, but he was a crucial part in getting her out there. Mathew Knowles dropped his career of being a medical equipment salesman to focus on his kid’s success. He put together the r&b group Destiny’s Child and not only managed the solo career of his daughter but also Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams from the group too. The dude came in and knocked it out of the park. Beyonce has become one of the most known faces in music and her status doesn’t seem to be fading at all any time soon. I hope she had a good reason to fire him because she’d definitely not be where she is without him and his sacrifices. I’m not a fan of her stuff, but proper respect is due for this guy.
Rebecca Black
“Friday” is a stupid song. But what can you really expect for $2000. That’s the amount that Rebecca Black’s mom reportedly paid a production for the lyrics, the song, and video. In 2011’s economy it’s crazy to think a parent could afford 2K for her daughter to play a karaoke pop star. The itunes sales and advertising on it has made this girl well over one million dollars. So I suppose the $2K was a great investment. Wow… two thousand dollars. If any parents out there want a music video and song for their over privileged child hit me up. Seriously!
Jessica Simpson
Joe Simpson is a weird guy, but you have to give him credit. He got two daughter’s famous. When Spears, Christina, and other teen pop stars were kicking ass in the late 90’s, Jessica Simpson showed up and was ready to play. She had some big singles, a reality show or two, movies, endorsements, and it seems like tons of other ventures. This guy doesn’t seem to think. He kicked US soldiers off a holiday TV special, he’s talked about his daughter’s breast to the media, he cancelled a meeting with George Bush, and the list goes on. Lots of questionable and very public decisions. He’s just weird though. Something about him screams “crazy guy”.
Chris Brown
He might lash out at talk shows and occasionally hit women, but at least he loves his mama. His mom was a huge supporter of Chris. She moved the family to New York, which put him in a clear spotlight for success. Joyce Hawkins even tweets under the name “mombreezy”.
I still don’t get how Romeo is famous. I’m sure he’s a cool guy, but he has the charisma of a bear skin rug on xanax. He has shown up in TV shows, a few movies, tons of “celebrity events”, and random other places. The only thing I can think of is that it’s all because his dad is a filthy rich man. Master P signed his son to “No Limit” when he was FIVE. Good, bad, successful or not, people know who Romeo is. He was cast on “Dancing with the Stars” for Pete’s sake. Why?!
Jaden & Willow Smith
They’re cocky little kids with questionable talent. They’re only famous because they’re parents paid for them to be. It’s easy to hate on these two kids and their parents. The truth of the matter is that unless you’re a jerk you’d do the same. If you had tons of cash and tons of connections wouldn’t you use your means to help your children achieve their goals and dreams? Of course you would… unless you’re a jerk. I’m not a fan of pop music so judging wouldn’t be fair. The “whip my hair” song was a bit lame, but no lamer than anything else out there. She’s having good success with her music and he’s doing well in movies. As long as they don’t get older and start resenting their parents success they should be good to go.
Brandy & Ray J
If you’re a VH1 Reality show junkie then you’ve seen this one in action. Sonja Norwood manages the careers of both her daughter and son. Brandy became a big deal in the early 90’s and her mom did a good job guiding her through it all. Meanwhile she also got her son Ray J out there and to a big time level. What I respect about her most is that she stuck with her kids through the rough patches of Brandy’s involvement with a fatal car accident and Ray J’s “tape” with Kim Kardashian.
The Jacksons
This is the first one that should come to anyone’s mind. Joe Jackson is the of the biggest parental opportunist of all time. From Gary, Indiana (“G.I.” to locals), The Jackson family had some insane success. It all started with Joe seeing that his kids had some talent. From there was some “alleged” abuse and constant rehearsal. Some would say he beat the talent and success into The Jackson Five. Truth or not, his contributions to getting his boys into the ears and hearts of the world is pretty damn remarkable. If he didn’t beat them, it’s commendable. If so, screw this guy. Either way you look at it, Joe Jackson is obviously going to be tied to the Jackson Five forever. He IS their father. The problem I have is that he’s a creep. I read that he charged the city of Gary like 5 grand and expenses to come to his former hometown for a Michael Jackson tribute. If that’s true the saddest part is that Gary actually footed the bill.

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