
[MUSIC] THE SAVAGE ANIMAL "From Backstage To The Bookstore" |
05.25.11 |

I’m a modern guy. By that I mean I rely on electronics. I just don’t read enough. I mean “really read”. I read the newspaper a few times a week, I read magazines, and I’ll read anything from columns to news to short stores to full screenplays on my computer. I don’t consider myself dumber than or any less cultured than someone who reads a lot of books. I never liked the library for some reason because I never wanted to give a book I enjoyed back. Instead I’ve always liked to own the book. It’s just my preference. I’m not a wealthy man so buying books just isn’t in my budget. So I take my eyes to the internet and to the computer screen. I know for a fact I’m not alone.
In result, I miss out on a lot of really good books. I love me a good biography and seeing behind the curtain of someone “make it” and “survive it”. One musician biography I really enjoyed was Marilyn Manson’s “Long Road Out of Hell”. It was good stuff and pretty candid. The same can be said for the Motely Crue and the Red Hot Chili Pepper books. Good stuff with good insight.
Today I’m going to take a look at some of the more recent musician biographies as well as some that are coming out in the near future. Hopefully it’ll inspire us, you and me, to go out and make a conscious effort to read a book. Of course I come up with this right before school gets out…
Holy shit. The talks and stories about this new upcoming Steven Tyler book is crazy. I guess you could even say it inspired this ramble of an article. We’ve gotten some dirt from the Aerosmith vocalist like how he and Joe Perry did A LOT of drugs, the parties, and even that he “tried gay sex”. Aerosmith is the biggest and best American rock band of all time. Steven Tyler is an music icon and does whatever the hell he wants. I’m curious if this book is going to go deep into his personal life or if it’s just full of “shocking” rockstar stories. Either way, I’m a huge fan so I do want to read this. MUST READ
This one is still in the making, but it’s finally confirmed. The former lead singer of The Smiths told BBC Radio 4 that he’s just about done. He’s been re-drafting and trimming it down, but it’s definitely on its way. I was never really into The Smiths, but I really appreciate Morrissey’s irony and word play. I’m pretty damn sure his book is going to be very well crafted. WOULD READ
“Red: My Uncensored Life In Rock” is the dude’s book. It’s weird. I liked Van Halen with Roth WAY more, I didn’t like any of Sammy’s solo stuff, and his recent Chickenfoot stuff did nothing for me. This said, I still can’t help but like the guy. He’s a cool guy regardless of our musical tastes being different. That’s one thing about a book. I don’t have to listen to their music, but I can still take in their journey. I want to hear about Sammy’s journey. And to top it all off, he revealed in an interview with Howard Stern that he was visited by aliens. I need to know more. COULD READ
The famous Stone Temple Pilot and Velvet Revolver singer recently released an excerpt from his upcoming memoir “Not Dead and Not for Sale”. It’s candid as hell about how his love got clean and he didn’t. The strain on the relationship was horrible. I’m sure this is one of many many stories like this. The man is so talented and has a great voice, but time has been brutal to him. He has been in and out of rehab and has had as many lows and highs. Still, he comes off with a sense of grace and honesty. I am bias because I’m a fan of his music. He’s screwed up so many times, but he’s just hard not to cheer for. If this book is as candid as that short piece then this book is going to be amazing. MUST READ
The Who guitarist has had one helluva run. He started working on this in the mid-90’s, but when you’re part of a musical revolution and have experienced all that he has you’re going to need some time to get your shit together. He has Hendrix stories, sexuality stories, and so much to reference and pull from there is really not much of a chance that this book won’t be an interesting read. COULD READ
It’s been announced that “God is Everywhere, from Here to There” will be released somewhere down the line. It’s described as a “spiritual memoir”. Corgan told Rolling Stone that it was about a third of the way done so far and should be out sometime next year. Being in the Chicagoland area, I’ve always had a soft spot for Billy Corgan. The Smashing Pumpkins have had some great tunes in their time and Corgan seems like a cool guy. He’s reportedly had “things” with the likes of Courtney Love all the way to somewhat recently with Jessica Simpson. He has taken on side projects and has marched to his own beat for years. If he really opens up, I bet there are some crazy stories locked up in that chrome dome of his. SHOULD READ
Before Metallica really really made it big, they made a really hard decision. Co-founder of the band, Dave Mustaine was booted from the band and then they blew up. Unlike others, he didn’t become a trivia answer. He put together his own band Megadeath and did very well for himself and on his own terms. This book comes out later in the summer. I’m really curious how much he opens up in this though. He has often been outspoken, but still seemed a little closed off. I like the guy, but I’ve heard the Metallica stories already. I’ve heard people talk about how he went from there to Megadeath. I don’t really think there’s that much more to find out. Drugs? Sex? Eh… Heard it. WON’T READ
I never gave a shit about Rick Springfield. I’m sure he’s a cool guy, but his music was never my cup of tea and I’m way too young to remember when he was on the charts. Then over the past few years he has popped up more and more. His role on “Californication” as a crazy version of himself was awesome and then in interviews hyping this book he seemed cool and down to earth. The book talks about his rise to fame, his acting, his drug issues, depression, and a whole wide range of things. This is one of those books that I actually do want to read because like I said, I have no real reference of this guy outside of the cheesy hit “Jessie’s Girl”. The reviews are strong and the promotional interviews made me a little curious. SHOULD READ
What’s YOUR favorite music bio?
What bio are you looking forward to?

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