
[MUSIC] THE SAVAGE ANIMAL "Playing the Victim" |
07.06.11 |

Over the past few years there have been a lot of weird music stories. It’s 2011. It’s hard not to be a bit jaded and guarded in trust. Celebrities have proven themselves to be a little desperate at times to get attention. Look at Lady GaGa, Nicki Minaj, Adam Lambert, and all the other over the top personalities. It’s hard to even call them musicians or singers because their image screams “look at me! look at me!”. This is only proving to people that it doesn’t matter how good you are at something, but if you can manage to get attention then you’re good to go. I’m okay with “image”, but not when it’s more “look at me!” than “listen to me!”
Everyone gets behind a victim. Shit happens, people are shocked, there is an outpour of support, and then the celebrity gains tons of attention and love. It’s just hard to take these people seriously. We know there are groups of people behind these artists who plot and plan their every move. Everything is a RP stunt or opportunity. I’m sure there IS genuine stuff going on, but it’s really hard to decipher.
I don’t want to be a dick, but this is a dick move. I’m going to be somewhat of a conspiracy theorist here and poke some holes in some of the bigger stories. I could be over thinking or like I said, a dick, but I’m going to get real cynical here…
Issue: Domestic Abuse
I’m not justifying what Chris Brown did. Real men don’t hit women. The story goes that Chris Brown was an abusive prick. He roughed her up pretty badly and TMZ got their evil hands on the pictures. The fall out from this was pretty damn big. Chris Brown became public enemy number one and Rihanna became the glorified victim. This is a situation similar to the Taylor Swift controversy. By this I mean that Rihanna became a household name after this incident. I just don’t think she’s talented at all. Her voice bothers me and her image portrayal is sad. Her emo hair looks like Hitler with extensions. Her voice sounds like a gargling robot. She’s all flash. My opinion doesn’t matter because everyone loves her and she’s going to keep making millions of dollars. It’s a little weird how she’s all about S&M in her videos and tries to push the envelope so much. THEN she makes videos where she’s being violent. Shitty. Again, Chris Brown is scum but she’s not Tina Turner.
Issue: Suicide Attempt
Suicide is nothing to joke about, but I’m uncomfortable with this one. In August of 2010 she got a divorce and not too long later was taken to the hospital after an overdose suicide attempt. How convenient was it that her album was coming out at the end of that same month? A little fishy if you ask me. She did the talk shows, had tearful interviews, and was more famous at the moment than any other time than her American Idol win. She’d even go on to win her first Grammy from this album. She has denied that this was a publicity stunt numerous times, but it’s just a little too well timed. Now she’s more than a pop star. She’s a deep and troubled soul who sings “from the heart”. Blah! I’m also not buying the “the best thing to do is to get back to work” crap. If this stuff was true her people would force the label to postpone the album until she got her head together.
Issue: Brain Hemorrhage
In 2010, Bret Michaels name reentered the mouths of pop culture enthusiasts and the general public alike. After being a man-whore on his VH1 reality show he got onto Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice”. He makes it to the finals. Then BAM! He’s taken to the hospital because of what would be a brain hemorrhage. This brought TONS of press. It started to die down a little and he’s rushed back because of more of the same problems. This stuff isn’t something to sleep on. Yet somehow it was like two weeks later and he’s on Celebrity Apprentice and winning. The ratings were great and it was PERFECT timing to promote Bret’s newest album. The timing of the album and the show finale seems a little odd to me. I’m not saying he didn’t have any health issues, but could it have been over-exaggerated in order to bring on more sympathetic love? This IS the dude who starred on “Rock of Love”, had a sex tape, and hasn’t been seen without a bandana in more years than I can remember.
Issue: Retardation
Aaron Carter hasn’t been relevant in a really long time. He was kind of known when he was a little kid acting all ghetto, but he’d soon reveal himself to be a huge douche. If you watched that horrible reality show about him and his family from a few years back you’d know what I’m talking about. His brother seems to be a bit more mature and less “trainwrecky”, but little Aaron is a joke. In a recent interview Carter “allegedly” said that Michael Jackson gave him alcohol and cocaine when he was 15 and when he woke up MJ was in his bed. Carter and his representatives denied this to TMZ. How did this rumor even start? Was it the reporter needing a big story? Was it Carter talking out of his ass for a cheap attention grab? Was it REALLY true, but then denied? Now Carter is considering suing the tabloid over the reporting. He claims he was misquoted. I would certainly hope so. But what DID he say? How can a reporter twist something innocent and not about being molested into wine, coke, and bed sharing? Something doesn’t add up here. The real surprising question is why the hell am I even talking about Aaron Carter?
Issue: Hijacked Speech
The “incident” is already close to two years old now. I feel lame for explaining this. Taylor Swift wins an award; Kanye West jumps on stage and takes the mic from her. He interrupts her and goes off on a lame tangent. I knew her name, but she was not even close to being on my radar. She’s a country pop singer. I know for a fact that unless you listen to shitty music then you didn’t know anything about this girl. She gets an award from MTV which is impressive enough, but Kanye gave her WAY more credibility. He became the hated villain and she became the victim. She got to go on talk shows, people bought her albums OUT OF PITY, and she literally became a house hold name over night. Even President Obama was heard calling Kanye “an ass” during an off the record portion of an interview. This just feels a little weird to me. I almost feel like someone knew this was going to happen. Maybe they used her in the plot, but I’d believe that Kanye and someone with MTV were in cahoots for this event. It’s a little odd that the next night saw the debut of “The Jay Leno Show” and then Kanye shows up and apologizes. MTV and NBC are owned by the same company, that’s why I feel this way. Regardless, Taylor Swift owes A LOT to Kayne West. Otherwise I don’t think any of us would be talking about her. She just seems so fraile and doe-eyed. Her voice is standard pop fare, she’s not THAT pretty, and she has the personality of a floor rug on a handful of zannys. The “incident” IS what made her.
What “victim” stories do YOU have some doubt about?

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