
[MUSIC] THE SAVAGE ANIMAL "One Year Left To Rock" |
12.21.11 |

365 Days.
That’s all that’s left.
There are those who theorize and belief that the world will end or at least change as we know it on December 21st, 2011. The whole thing is basically that the Mayan’s made a calendar and stopped at that day. They made it over five thousand years ago. Is it possible that they just got tired and stopped? Is it possible they knew that shit would go down on that day? Is it possible that it’s all just a big misunderstanding and conspiracy theorists are having another Y2K field day? Anything is possible.
If you’re wondering about MY opinion, which I assume you’re moist with anticipation to find out, then okay. I don’t think anything is going to happen. I think people are going to work themselves up and then come next year people will have to latch onto the next big conspiracy craze.
But let’s have some fun with this. Whenever I write one of these, it’s always a skewed review, a bubbly ramble, or some random hypothetical discussion. In this case, it’s a hypothetical conversation…
What IF it does all end?
Let’s put it into a music perspective. What would I want to happen in the world of music if the Mayans are right…
I want to warn you. These are random and somewhat crazy ideas. If the world were to end, I’m sure there wouldn’t be too much of anything going on other than complete and utter chaos, panic, destruction, and Nickelback concerts…
We can’t take our money and rewards with us. With it being “the end”, there is no point at all of there being labels. I would hope the artists would take to the internet to just give away whatever they have left to release. That is if the internet still works. This could also be a way to be showcase radio again. Whatever. That’s not my problem. I just don’t think musicians would put up with the labels anymore.
Would we REALLY need to keep up with the Parental Advisory shit? Do we REALLY need to hide bare-chested women in music videos when doom is pending? I don’t think so. I’m sure those who really care about censoring content will be repenting like a mothatrucka.
We’ll be saying farewell to a lot of people. I just don’t think some of our favorite musicians would find value in making music or even caring about it at all if this was all true. Musicians have families and loved ones that are more important to them than the fandom of strangers. How important is music to our favorite musicians? We’d find out. There’d also be those who overdose, kill themselves, and all that drama. Excess to the end!
I think this is a must. One big “last hurrah” blow out. I think it would be hard for many people to travel if we knew it was “go time”. There would be too much panic and chaos like in the movies. So why not regional festivals? Wherever area a musician is living is where these regionalized festivals could take place. So like Chicago, New York, LA, and the other big cities in America and wherever you other folks gather in your home lands. Hell, maybe some big “We Are the World” type of blow out.
I would hope that some artists will just say “screw it, let’s make some music!” I always loved when Aerosmith and RUN DMC worked together. I enjoyed other’s too. The Anthrax/Public Enemy track was one of the coolest things ever. I’d really like to see some random shit go down like Radiohead and Usher…. AC/DC and Michael Buble… some off the wall kind of shit. Why not?
With the gloves off, I’d hope we’d see “shit get real”. I’d like to hear someone like a Justin Bieber call someone a bitch or mock the misfortunate. I dunno, I’m sick in the head like that. I find joy in “goody-two-shoe” types having vulgar outbursts. It’s up there with rapping grannies.
I would hope bygones would be bygones. By this I mean the REAL Guns N Roses (post Adler) get back together and rock out like no other. Slash is a great guitar player. Axel is a great vocalist. Neither sound as perfect without the other. Same goes for Van Halen and David Lee Roth, The White Stripes, David Byrne and the Talking Heads, NWA, WuTang, Oasis, Rage Against The Machine, Led Zeppelin, REM, and all those stubborn bands.
I’m pretty sure Dr. Dre’s "Detox" will get a new release date. December 20th, 2012.
It will then be delayed.
Besides the potential of “this dude writing better columns”, what would be your “One Year Left to Rock” wish?

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