Indiana’s state slogan should be “Everyone’s Gotta Be From Somewhere”. Outside of Hoosier’s high school basketball legends thanks to a movie, outside of the persistent pursuit for the politics to remain fifty years in the past, outside of racing really fast in a circle, not having a major league baseball team, and even outside of the state’s passion for corn… Indiana has one thing going for it.
The people!
No, not all of them. I’d say about 77%* of Indiana sucks. You see, being a life-long resident I can say that. Then there’s that 23% lingering out there, spread out, and probably only 10% of those people could even bare to be in the room together. So pretty much, doing the math… 1 out of every 0.25 people in Indiana sucks. That’s not an error, folks.
Some of the people in Indiana aspire to be something outside the confines of the droopy square shaped state that is Hoosier. There are plenty of famous people and successful people to come out of Indiana. The problem is that it’s just not as represented as it should. A few shows are set in Indiana now, but the essence is never captured. Certain areas of Indiana area are like different worlds within themselves. It’s NOT all overalls, Colt jerseys, and ugly numb people… only 77%*!
I was surprised to find out how many “amazing” to “really cool” musicians are from Indiana. I’m going to take a look at my own favorite top seven list of musicians that were born in Indiana. Ths topic will not be for everyone. I’m sure at least 1/50th of America will be curious and proud of this. The rest of the world should just give it a pity-read.
Some are pretty obvious; especially the easy number one choice. Like him or not, you know who number one is going to be….
(* - Not a proven statistic. It’s probably higher.)
[Gary, Indiana / Indianapolis, Indiana] - There is no way these two names have ever only been separated by a black-slash. So in that respect, I feel this column accomplished all it needs to. I can wrap it up now, but I’ll stroll on. Freddie Gibbs is the latest rapper to hit from Gary, Indiana. They have been a few in the past decade or two to get out there a little bit, but I can’t think of any to get there on the level of Gibbs. He had a major release, saw videos on the major networks, and showed up on a few TV shows. He constantly tosses in shout outs to Gary and it’s never a doubt where he’s coming from. He’s still young and has some more time to grow or to fade, but regardless, he’s tied on this list with Adam Lambert. I am not a fan of Lambert’s music, but I respect his style and his openness. There isn’t much glam rock out there anymore and he’s carrying the flag proudly. It’s not exactly my style, but the fact that he’s doing something different gets him credit in my book. He was born in Indianapolis, but was moved to San Diego not too long after being born. Eh, it’s a lousy Indiana representative but at least I got to pair up these two polar opposites in the seven spot!
[Lafayette, Indiana] - Shannon Hoon is an artist and human being that the world lost way too soon. Hoon was born in Lafayette, Indiana. It’s a bigger town in Indiana, but it still has a small town vibe. He played football, wrestled, and was a pole vaulter in school and was into music. He graduated high school and went on to play in a few local bands. He bounced around for a little while before moving to Los Angeles to put his dreams to the test. There he’d work with fellow Hoosier Axl Rose and become one of the most loved hippy figures of the 90s. He just had a really positive vibe to him. In the videos, live show bootlegs, and interviews he just seemed like someone you’d want to know your name.
[Peru, Indiana] - When I saw that Cole Porter was on the list of musicians from Indiana my first reaction was a out loud exclamation of “Cole Porter!” Then I had to click and figure out who the hell he was. I knew the name and I knew it was important, but I’ll be 100% honest that I didn’t know what I was clicking. I turns out I DO know Porter’s work. He was an early 1900’s songwriter who kicked major ass. He was classically trained but used his talents for a more Broadway-based musical theatre style. He was from one of the richest families in the state and was encouraged to be a lawyer by trade. He was sent to the best schools and soaked up the knowledge. He took this and put into his productions. He was one of the few to actually write lyrics AND music for his productions, which earned him a bit of respect. He’s the first Tony Award winner for Best Musical via his classic “Kiss Me, Kate”. He’s got a list of famous songs, but my favorite is “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”. Respect.
[Bloomington, Indiana] -
David Lee Roth is barely from Indiana, but anything barely by David Lee Roth is still not too shabby. He was born in Bloomington, Indiana. His father was an ophthalmologist and an real estate investor who did VERY well for himself. So well he’d even go on to appear on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. David Lee Roth is too cool for Indiana. So cool that before moving to California and blowing the minds of a trillion people galaxy wide that he had to live in a place called “Swampscott, Massachusetts” for a while before going to Cali. He had to shake the Hoosier stank off. Still, when making this list I saw David Lee Roth on it and had to include him. I think we all need to take any excuse we can get to listen to old school Van Halen. Consider this your excuse.
[Lafayette, Indiana] - William Rose was born in Lafayette, Indiana. He had a troubled youth that left him a bit screwed up, but he would learn to adapt. Part of that was getting into music at school. He played piano, sang chorus, and formed a band with his friend Jeff who would later become Izzy Stradlin. He still found time to be a juvenile delinquent and get into a lot of trouble. He’d move to Los Angeles in 82 and never look back. I’m a big fan of Axl Rose. Yeah, I said it. Anyone can say they love Guns N’ Roses. I’m pretty sure the Pope, the bad guys, and your grandmother love Guns N’ Roses. It’s part of the air, water, and earth that is who we are. GNR is THAT great of a rock band. Axl Rose is the frontman of that band is out there today doing his thing.
[Seymour, Indiana] - John Cougar Mellencamp is nor cougar nor a man. He’s kind of in between. He’s a REAL Hoosier. He’s what this state is all about. His songs have always had a heartland theme and were from the soul. He’s just a normal seeming dude who lucked out into a life of humble Rockstar. He went to Vincennes University, the same school as a good friend of mine. He had a normal college life of partying, enjoying music, and enjoying the mind blanking parts of weed. He played in local rock bands while working as a phone installer in his hometown of Seymour. He’s now living right outside of Bloomington, Indiana. It’s a college town so it’s got some live and some arts to it, but it’s still Indiana so you can throw a rock in any direction and hit a rusty pick-up. He’s just a home boy. He’s often spotted around town and he’s always on the sidelines with his lady friend and modern iconic actress Meg Ryan. He’s not trying to go soak up Hollywood or some trendsetting city. He’s sticking to his roots while maintaining the same Rockstar status he’s had since he was telling us lil’ ditty’s about Jack and Diane.
[Gary, Indiana] - How obvious was this one? I once heard a track from a local hip hop group that said they are “G-I, till they D-I”. Michael Jackson is going to be “G-I” forever. The city of Gary doesn’t have a whole lot going for it these days. It’s making progress for the first time in years, but it’s a long way from the glory days of the Jackson Five playing dives on Broadway. Michael Jackson was born to a working-class, mill working family. Joe Jackson worked at the steel mill and was a performer himself. His direction and firm hand would push the Jackson boys into becoming one of the best R&B groups of all time. Michael gets tons of love, but people sleep on the fact that the actual group itself, Jackson Five was a stellar R&B outfit. Then again, who are we kidding. Michael Jackson is arguably the best Earth-born musician of all time. He is “The King of Pop” and one of the most successful performers of all time. His story is known by just about everyone and his music has been experienced by even more. People in third world countries still know this man’s name. Michael Jackson is in the upper tier of pop culture relevance only comparable to the Mozarts, the Abe Lincolns, and the Shakespeares of the world. Michaels Jackson’s cultural impact is on THAT level. Only Elvis and The Beatles could possibly even be brought up in a conversation like that. No matter anyone thinks Michael Jackson is the fucking truth.
Who is YOUR favorite Indiana-born musician?!